So, I don't know if/how often devs read this forum, and if they do, how likely it is they'll see this.
But if you are a dev, hi! I have a mild gripe that's been bothering me since Fallout 3, and now that it has shown up in Fallout 4 too, I figure it's worth mentioning (it's also probably a fairly easy design fix).
Here's the setup: In Fallout 3, I was a Brotherhood of Steel stalwart. In Fallout 4, I am once again a Brotherhood of Steel stalwart. So, in both games, I took the whole "collecting and studying tech" mission of the Brotherhood seriously - that's why I joined them.
EDIT: Minor location spoilers here. They have nothing to do with the main plot and I won't tell you where to find them, but if you're reading along and would rather not know these places even exist, avert thine eyes. Otherwise, read on.
No. No, I didn't. With the Fallout 3 submarine, my only option was to blow up an entire completely salvageable stealth submarine to get access to a loot box, or ignore it completely. The alien battleship, meanwhile, despite having an operational super laser, FTL travel capability, and all sorts of fancy matter manipulation and replication devices, was left to rot in orbit, because for some reason I never thought it might be worth mentioning to the Brotherhood of Steel. Finally, in Fallout 4, I find a functional, armed Chinese nuclear submarine... and my options are to kill the captain and leave it literally sitting within sight of the Prydwen and never mention it to the Brotherhood, blow the thing up, or let the captain sail it back to China.
Why? Why is it not an option to hand these over to the Brotherhood? If the Brotherhood is going to continue to be a major faction in your games, it's really, really immersion breaking to have things like this not interact at all with the Brotherhood. It's easy to fix, too - forego your normal reward, call in the Brotherhood, maybe have a few Scribes and a Knight or Paladin spawn on the submarine/alien battleship, and then occasionally throw in a few random passing dialogue options as Brotherhood members discuss the exciting things they're finding. Even that would help immensely. It doesn't even need to be a meaningful tie-in. Just don't make me blow up/send to China/abandon in orbit the next technological treasure trove that my Brotherhood character discovers in return for some kewl lootz. I'll take the immersion over a few neat guns and gadgets any day.