Hi, when I first got the game, playing through the singleplayer was perfectly fine at 50-60 fps no problems on my 295 GTX. Then patch 1.1 came out and I suddenly had to deal with flickering, after useing some of the suggested fixes it worked! but... now 1.2 is out and regardless of wether im playing single or multiplayer I have a distinct problem with my frames not that their low but the game litterly slows down intermently every 2 seconds and speeds up again to catch up. Its the weirdest thing iv scene for awhile, mabey I should mess with the frame buffer I suppose, but even better would be if anybody else has this problem or could give me some suggestions or fixes. Thanks anyway -Red
Oh and since 1.2 nano catlelist points dont register and the count got resset. It was alright befor.