iam about to release my first quest mod the next days, its another Nirnroot mod but it is completely different form Wildmans Nirnroot mod. i made all the models & textures from scratch and learned to work with the dialogue system and think the quest works pretty solid.
some screenshots:
but there is one mayor problem with my dialogues: iam not a very good english speaker

iam a little bit of a perfectionist and dont want people to lough at my stupid texts...
so anyone with good english who wants to help me, please look at the texts in the spoiler below and feel free to tell me anything that needs improvement.
1.) I found a strange plant that seems to have a very strong magical aura and emits a faint, pulsating noise. If i want to find out more about that plant, i should go and show it to an Alchemist. I should be very careful with it and dont loose or sell it, it seems to be very rare and who knows how helpful it might be?
2.)I asked an Alchemist about that strange plant, unfortunately he couldnt help me. He told me about an Altmer called Erlandil who asked for help to find a rare plant - maybe he was talking about the plant that i just found? I can find Erlandil somewhere in the Caldera Mages Guild.
3.)I met Erlandil, an Alchemist from Summerset Isle, in the tower of the Mages Guild in Caldera. He has come to Vvardenfell to find some samples of a unique plant called Nirnroot. He is scared to leave Caldera and asked me to deliver him 5 samples of the Nirnroot plant. I agreed and he promised me some very unique potions as reward.
4.)I delivered the 5 samples of Nirnroot to Erlandil the Alchemist. He thanked me and gave me some money. He will start to make the potions now and wants me to come back tomorrow to receive my reward.
5.)Erlandil failed to create the potions he promised, instead he asked for even more Nirnroot...
6.)Now Erlandil wants me to bring him 15 pieces of Nirnroot. I agreed and hope to get a proper reward this time.
7.)I gave the 15 Nirnroot samples to Erlandil and received some money. He told me to come back tomorrow when he is done with the potions.
8.)I received five of the potions that Erlandil made from the Nirnroot. He asked me if i would bring him some more samples.
9.)I agreed to bring 30 Nirnroot samples to Erlandil. It will be tough to collect all the pieces but as much as i come around on Vvardenfell, i will get them sooner or later.
10.)I gave the 30 Nirnroot samples to Erlandil and received some money. He told me to come back tomorrow when he is done with the potions.
11.)I received some unique potions from Erlandil. He said his work in Morrowind was done and that he will return to Summerset Isle the next days. He asked me to escort him to the docks in Gnaar Mok ... havent i already done enough for him?
1.) Erlandil wants to travel back to Summerset Isle and asked me to escort him to the shipyard in Gnaar Mok, from where he can start his travels. Erlandil promised me a special reward if i escort him saftely to the docks.
2.) I agreed to escort Erlandil to the docks in Gnaar Mok. He seems to be not the best fighter we better be cautious.
3.) Erlandil and i arrived at the docks in Gnaar Mok.
4.) Erlandil was very thankful for all i done for him and gave me a potted Nirnroot. The beautiful plant still emmits a low magical noise and iam sure it will look nice in my living room.
strange plant
1.) That is a strange plant indeed, i have never seen this before. What? You say you found it here on Vvardenfell? Hmm, maybe it is one of these plants that Erlandil is searching for? You should talk to him, he is in the tower here in the Mages Guild. Just take the door right next to me and head upstairs.
2.) What do you have there? Let me see .. ah yes, this is definitely a very powerful magical plant. I have never seen this species before, iam afraid i can not help you ... well ... i heard that recently an Altmer from Cyrodiil, called Erlandil, arrived here and asked everyone to help him find a rare plant - maybe it is the plant you showed me? He said that he will move to the Mages Guild in Caldera to start his studies, you should try it there.
unique potions
1.) Indeed, iam working on a receipe for some VERY special potions. I came all the way from Summerset Isle to Vvardenfell to collect some plants called Nirnroot wich seem to be extraordinary magical here on Vvardenfell.
2.) Yes, they are made from the Vvardenfell Nirnroot and improve the users Athletics and Acrobatics for a long time.
1.) Iam glad you want to help! You can find the Vvardenfell Nirnroot ONLY close to water and ONLY in the Ascandian Isles and Bittercoast regions. The plant tends to grow in tight, shadily and wet spots so it might be hard to find - fortunately the Nirnroot emmits a faint, pulsating noise wich you can hear from a distance - so keep you ears open when you travel along the coast! I wrote everything you need to know on this note here - take it. Good luck on your travels %PCRace!
2.) Hmm ... if you change your mind, you know where to find me.
3.) What? You think you might already have one of those rare plants? Let me have a look ... Indeed, it IS Nirnroot you have there! I already experimented with the local species that is growing on Summerset Isle, but it turned out that it doensnt have enough magical power to make very good elexirs from it. But this species that you have there looks different ... can you feel the magical aura?! I must have some of those samples, do you think you could collect me five Nirnroot on your travels?
4.) It is the main component of the elexir i want to make. I already experimented with the local species that is growing on Summerset Isle, but it turned out that they dont have enough magical power to make a very good elexir from it. About a year ago, a friend of mine showed me a sample of the local Nirnroot from Vvardenfell and i discovered a tremendous potential within it. You look like you come around on Vvardenfell, are you interested in collecting 5 pieces of Nirnroot and bring them to me?
5.) Yes! Those are some great samples, good work! Here is your money, 100 drakes per plant. Now please leave me alone and give me some time to create the elexir. Come back tomorrow and i will give you the most powerful potions you have ever seen!
6.) Dont lie to me! You dont have the 5 samples i asked for!
7.) Than please go and find them, they are essential for my studies.
8.) I told you to come back tomorrow! The elexir is not brewing itself, now leave me alone and come back tomorrow!
9.) Well, uhm ... i guess i boiled the Elexir for to long, unfortunately i was not able to make the elexir wich i promised you. But iam sure i made some important progress with my receipe. If you would be willing to find me some more Nirnroot, i would try again and create the Elexir.
10.) You will? Iam very thankful %PCName and i promise you will get your unique potions this time. Good luck finding the samples!
11.) That is right, i need more. Will you help me again and bring me 15 pieces of Nirnroot? I promise you that you will get the potion this time.
12.) You got the 15 samples? Fantastic! Here take the money and let start my studies in solitude. Come back tomorrow and leave me in peace.
13.) I made it! I created a very strong Elexir from the Nirnroot wich will increase you ability to run fast and jump far for a very long time! I know that you will appreciate the strong effect when you have to travel long distances wich iam sure you often do. Do you like the potions? Maybe you are interested in bringing me some more Nirnroot?
14.) You wont regret it! If you realy manage to bring me the 30 Nirnroot, iam sure that i can make you the one or the other potion for your adventures. Iam aware that this will take you some time, until then i will stay here and improve the receipe to make even better potions. Good luck %PCName my friend!
15.) I knew you would love my potions! While working with the Nirnroot i noticed that it looses a lot of its magical energy when i treat it, so i will need some more samples this time - get me 30 pieces Nirnroot and you will receive your well earned reward.
16.) You got all the 30 Nirnroots? Incredible! I didnt even believed there are that many samples here on Vvardenfell! Thank you a thousand times %PCName, but please leave me alone now to make the new elexir. Come back tomorrow friend.
17.) Its done! Here are your potions. With the improved receipe the effects are even stronger! Here take these potions, its the only pieces that exist on whole Nirn - iam sure you can sell them for good prices too. My studies are now successfully finished, my work on Vvardenfell is done, all only because of you my kind %PCName! You did so much for me, but as you know the place so well and you are so strong, would you be so nice and escort me to the docks in Gnaar Mok?
18.) I have a feeling that you collected every single Nirnroot on Vvardenfell, you did outstanding work!
to the docks
1.) You will? Thank you %PCName, you are the nicest %PCRace i have ever met. I know that Gnaar Mok lies somewhere to the west at the Bittercoast, but iam sure that you know better where to find it. So lets go!
2.) After all you have done for me i can understand that. Hopefully i will find someone to escort me soon.
3.) What do you say, will you escort me to Gnaar Mok? I have a nice little present for you when we arrive there.
1.) Hello %PCRace, iam Erlandil the Alchemist from Summerset Isle. I came here to gather some very rare plants and make unique potions from them. Unfortunately Vvardenfell seems to be a very dangerous place and i cant leave Caldera because iam not a good fighter ...
2.) Oh its %PCName the %PCRace! Do you come to give me the 5 samples of Nirnroot i asked for?
3.) Leave me alone! I told you to come back tomorrow!
4.) Well %PCName, have you come to talk about the Nirnroot Elexir?
5.) Hello %PCName. Iam still searching for someone to bring me 15 more pieces of Nirnroot.
6.) Oh its %PCName my favorite %PCRace! Do you come to give me the 15 samples of Nirnroot i asked for?
7.) Hello %PCName. Interested in gathering some more Nirnroot?
8.) %PCName! Its a pleasure to meet you again! Are you here to give me the 30 samples of Nirnroot i asked for?
9.) %PCName, its always a pleasure to have you around. But please talk to me again tomorrow when i finished working on the elexir.
10.) Oh %PCName may you be so kind and take me to the docks in Gnaar Mok?
11.) It is so exiting to travel with a true Adventurer like yourself! Iam sure we will arrive safetely in Gnaar Mok.
12.) We arrived! %PCName, i want to thank you so much for all you have done for me! I have completed my studies here on Vvardenfell and will go home now. Here i have a little something for you to remind you of our cooperation, take it and may the gods be with you, friend!
13.) I will head home soon. Thank you again for all you have done for me!
Erlandils Notes
The Nirnroot of Vvardenfell can only be found on the south-western Coast of the island, in the Bittercoast and Ascandian Isles regions. It grows only close to the water so one should be able to find it close to the coast, lakes, rivers or swamps.
The Nirnroot mostly grows in tight, shadily spots so it might be hard to find. Fortunately it emmits a humming, magical noise that can be heard from a distance. The plant has a distinctive look with its bright, blue tinted leaves and the roots that stand out of the ground.
wow it is quit a lot of text ... for sure i will mention everyone who helps in the readme.
i feel bad for asking so much of you guys, but i dont know who else i could ask ... it is no problem if no one wants to help, there is no urgend need for me to upload this mod anywhere.