I prayed at the required amount of wayshrines, and Pelinal Whitestrake (however you spell his name) appeared and there's supposed to be a shrine I'm to find. But he never actually said where it is. I just walked all the way to Anvil, where the prophet gave a bunch of info, but he doesn't seem to give me an idea where to start, either.
The Active Quest tells me this:
Upon completing my pilgrimage to the wayshrines, I recieved a vision from the Divine Crusader, Pelinal Whitestrake. He revealed the location of his lost shrine, which is where I should begin my quest for the Relics of the Crusader.
....now it doesn't actually say where this shrine is.
I'm playing this portion of the game Morrowind style....in other words, I'm NOT gonna look on my map to find a Quest Marker. On the other hand, it would help if I at least had a clue where to start....which the game doesn't provide.
So my idea: write a riddle or give me a clue where to start looking for the shrine! Anybody up for that?
In other words, don't say: it's just outside of Fort Strand or whatever...be creative and try to give an idea or a clue without just blurting the answer. And thanks.