A strange weatherclimate problem

Post » Thu Mar 20, 2014 4:52 am

Helo, i have some weird weather/climate problem.

My custom world space loading sky from skyrim, and weather from my custom world space.

Like this: To get to my worldspace you need to go from Skyrim to the mine, and from this mine through autoload door to my world space. When you do this, my worldspace (Oblivin realm) have red clouds (which is correct) and aurora or moon from the outside from Skyrim (depends on the current weather in Skyrim).

I only want to load custom worldspace weather, without this copying weather from Skyrim.


- when I save game inside oblivion (custom worldspace), and exit game and load that savegame, weather is fine.

- when i save game inside Mine ( that the transition between my worldspace nad Skyrim), after exiting game and loading save inside the mine weather inside my worldspace is mixed with skyrim weather. (What is wrong)

What causes this bug/problem and how to fix it?

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lisa nuttall
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