Strangest Problem Yet

Post » Mon Jun 27, 2011 2:28 am

This has to be by far the most strangest issue I have just developed on Oblivion. I don't even know if I will be able to explain this, as a lot of crappy crap is happening.

This is on a xBox 360 original. All recent updates, etc.. Also have all downloadable content. And I've been playing this fine since its release several years ago.

BUT, this particular run through something has happened. I haven't started the Main Quest yet, but I'm building my character to superb attributes. I currently am maxed out level wise, but have about 4 more minor attributes to get to 100, all rest are at 100.

Ok, here is what is happening. One day, upon entering Ceyatatar and killing the first Conjurer I seen, I began to notice a funny swirl of blue light underneath me. It follows me. I ignore it. It grows over time. Next person I kill is glowing massively yellow and I can't even make out who they are. The coloring stays on them even when dead ! Next person I kill causes me to now also have red lights around me now too ! HERE is where it gets weird. If I continue to ignore all that and just try to play the game, when I get to doors, they wont open ! BUT I figured out if I pull out my torch, wait till a count of 5 then put it away, the door opens a very little bit. If I keep doing that I can eventually get it open. Nuts huh ? On secret stone walls that slide down, it takes forever !

Ok, I then noticed that when this happens, certain graphics wont move unless I do the torch pull out and put away thing. When I do, they move very little, till I do it again, etc.. This is happening to doors, lights, candles, lanterns, fires. But my character, and NPC, monsters, etc.. all move just fine.

Figuring this was a load up issue, I just quit game and reloaded from most recent save. SAME thing will happen every time. I then thought it was the cache issue. I emptied the xBox cache AND did the "A" button cache... Still does the SAME THING every time. Ok, so then I figured to load a older save. STILL eventually does the same thing, exactly !! I then thought, ok, maybe its just Ceyatatar, and I shouldn't go there for now, and I'll go somewhere else, do a bunch of stuff, save it, then come back to Ceyatatar later. Ok, tried doing that, and same EXACT thing started happening again no matter what save I load up or no matter where I go.

What is this ? And what can I do ? I have a lot of work and hours into this particular game/character I'm running through. And I'm a veteran at this so I have several saves of my progress like your suppose to. But no matter what I do this happens.

So I was hoping if I explained it here that someone else either experienced this, or heard about this, and can tell me what is causing it and a possible fix ?

Thanks -
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Post » Sun Jun 26, 2011 11:59 pm

How many hours have you got on this character; sometimes the game's animations glitch out after playing for a long while. They call it the A-Bomb glitch.
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Post » Mon Jun 27, 2011 1:22 pm

Yep -- sounds like you have hit the Animation Bomb -- unfortunately there is nothing that can be done to fix it on the consoles (for the PC version the modding forum has found a work around but it can not be used on the consoles) -- for the consoles the only solution is starting a new game.

From the Unofiicial Technical FAQs :

4.18 Slow/Frozen Doors, Fire, Spell etc. animations bug.

The problem involves freezing/stuttering of secondary animations such as: fire, spell effects (on self and target), doors/gates/lids, corpse smashers, extentable bridges, traps of all kinds, fog, sparks from weapon impacts, butterflies, fireflies. Affected animations are sometimes completely frozen or PAINFULLY slow. In the case of doors, lifts, and bridges this can prevent further progress.

Current Thread and Player-made fixes for PC only (sorry Xbox crowd):

Victims of the bug should go to that thread and use one of the fixes in the first post. Also, do us all a favor and send an email to bethesda's tech support (link provided in first post as well) detailing the problem and linking the thread. They have YET to acknowledge the the more people that do it, hopefully the better the chances they finally will do something about it in the future.

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