If I understand this corectly, streamline will try to keep the fps at 29-34 in combat? And if so, 26-31 when out of combat? In that case the default settings seems pretty good. However im not sure what these settings do?
set SLv.maxVLOD to 100 ; Highest overall level of detail (%) ; Default: 100 (Max: 100)set SLv.minVLOD to 0 ; Lowest overall level of detail (%) ; Default: 0 (Min: 0)
Those values are the min and max of the detail in the game
(You probably already guessed that). They more or less correspond to setting the sliders in the video options in the game (You can even see those sliders move). These settings can be controlled individually in the "Detailed Streamsmooth Settings" section further down in the INI.
Ooh and in the readme it mentions that streamline will make changes in the oblivion ini file. Which is fine, but will it reset those values back to default when the fps is within min/high fps range?
Actually it Streamline does not make changes to the INI directly, but because the game save the Video Settings to the ini on exit, any changes that Streamline makes will be saved. Streamline does not have a default setting, and does not keep a backup of your default settings. So no, it does not reset them.
I use both OSR and Streamline, they do different things and are IMO really not alternatives to each other. My FPS settings in OSR are 40, and 30-20 in Streamline with CombatFPS set to 5. I have also tweaked some of the values in Detailed Streamsmooth Settings.
If I could code, I would actually try and make a updated version of Streamline, because I'm sure OBSE today have functions that would make it even better.