Why ignore the first part? :whistling: The point of that was a paper map is sufficient. Why the heck even waste time making such a thing as a 3d map? The fact that the paper map is more realistic is an added bonus.
Style over substance is not really a good factor for menu design. The simplest explanation is some dreamy-eyed artist thought up the perks/constellation idea and they ramrodded the menu around that idea. Not a bad idea or flow for 8-10 constellations or less...but even the reduced 18 skills....no...too many items for the layout....
I know. Which is why I am amazed that it looks like they may have created a turd that might be even worse. I mean, an alphabetized list with gigantic pictures of single items at a time? :banghead: It is literally so bad that they created a duplicate quick menu to get around it.
I don't. Drawing a diagram of the attributes/skills/attributable effects interactions is easy. It is very simple and elegant. It is an actual streamlined character design that allows for unlimited depth. You can add multiple attributes. Add skills and quickly link them to various character traits. While there may be more to it than what information has been released it seems that what they created for SR is to be a hodgepodge of unlinked items. I think it is the underlying reason why we are seeing less skills and not more. This is not streamlining. It is the loss of functionality that is the result of the exact opposite of streamlining.