» Tue Jul 14, 2009 9:22 am
... man ur talkin pro stuff! i dont get what ur saying fully but i saw the page 20 thing... and i understood that crytek didnt make a good res game and their covering the **** res with this msaa right? -_-'
and the picture looks ulclear in the end.... right?
The msaa is nothing to do with the unclear HUD or unclear anything .
Msaa is a technique used to make lines look clear and straight / curved without jagged edges.
They haven't made a bad game or anything , and the chances are they'd have used some of those effects anyway for dramatic effect like motion blur etc. However due to size of game and some of detail they've used like the fancy lighting process which actually replicates real life lighting from a single source ie like sunlight, they had to make some of the other aspects of game such as certain textures in background lower res. A lot of games on console do this , even spectacular ones like kz3 , as it allows them to make the main parts of game look better.
The main res of game is ok and is higher than black ops on 360 for example or mw2 on ps3 , it's just that some of these effects they've added are there for dramatic effect and are quite advanced , so aren't used very often( you find them in kz3 too) and they add blur and and haze etc like u would find in real life situations .
If they removed these effects it would probably be more clear overall, but u would spot these uglier textures easily too.
The HUD is simply that the image is stretched to fill screen and this looks slightly blurry and out of shape as it's being stretched in one direction only