With weekly videos they are finished by release day.
With weekly videos they are finished by release day.
at about 2:00, narrator even mention it "craft specialised protective gear", kinda hard to take it as anything else.
That was cute, especially the powerfist thing. Also does anyone else want to slay muties with a pattle ball?
in beth eyes they told us all we need to know, the pre launch material has done it′s "job" so it′s no surprise really the focus is just to keep the tease going.
I don't think so... If you look, the perks are all beside the stair case at the far left side of the perk chart, so they're definitely all Strength perks. So that's two Strength-based crafting perks, one for armour and one for guns.
So now we know what Strength 3 and Strength 4 are.
It was a nice video, but didn't reveal any new info. Still a nice thing to watch with the animated gore.
This was shown off at Quakecon, does that mean that the rest of the Quakecon footage is coming sometime soon?
still being sceptical, neither seam like strength perks, why would your characters muscule mass determine your ability to make guns and armour mods?
Complete guess here, but I suspect it will be tied to Big Guns specifically. INT -> Small Guns, Energy Weapons, AGI -> Rifles, PER -> All things explosive, and STR -> Unarmed, Melee, Big Guns.
Something along those lines.
possibly, but why then is there a small arms gun on the workbench? Man beth is really making our gears turn.
Comparing the new perk images with the chart, it looks to me like the weapon (shotgun) one is row 3, and the armour one is row 4.
Is it just me or was the way Vault Boy got killed by the minigun completely reminiscent of the gore in FO1 & 2?
If you pause it you can see a fuel tank in the background. It might be Big guns or it could just be specifically related to fire based weaponry, I don't know. I hope it's Big Guns, though.
I think that′s the tanks for the welder the pip boy uses in those perks
I think people were expecting a lot more of this than was actually intended.
It's designed like an instructional/educational video on Strength and it's applications, in a Fallout-esque way. It's not supposed to be a reveal or preview of anything. It's more of a "What do these stats mean and do, yo" sort of thing.
The smart phone conundrum.
I can access the forums from my phone just fine, but videos is always a pain.
You are right. I just saw the tank for the armor perk. So that's got to be big guns at Strength 4. However, it just looks like he's working on a regular shotgun with a drum on it. It would kind of svck if Shotguns weren't available at the work bench with the Gun Nut! perk. That would mean that you'd only be able to work on rifles and pistols with Gun Nut!.