ok some things that i feel really don't make sense in regards to Strong.
Strong for me is FRUSTRATINGLY confusing! he's the ONLY companion i had to look up on the wiki pages because i just didn't understand what this brute liked / loved. sooooo let me get this straight he likes to "help people" but then also likes when you "cannibalize". wait what?… oh and also why is it all super mutants care about is "killing and looting" BUT STRONG DOESNT LIKE WHEN YOU FRIGGIN LOOT! it doesn't make sense to me! he doesn't like stealing but super mutants do that ALL THE TIME in game! settlements even tell you oh super mutants rolled through and took and destroyed everything or they kidnap somebody. why did they have to make strong not like pick locking?! behind that locked door could be something else to kill or loot! he likes "aggressive dialogue choices" but also likes when you give sheffield a nuka cola. SO THEN WHY WHEN YOU GIVE THE VAULT TEC REP A HOME DOES HE DISLIKE THAT?! Its not like he's racist against ghouls cuz he approves of hancock when you switch to him as a companion! there is absolutely no Justification there how those 2 things are both helping someone but he likes one and not the other. Strong makes no sense and ill probably never get his berserk perk because of it. now i get why he doesn't like power armor seeing it as a cheat or cheap way to gain strength i get that. that one makes total sense but thats really it! Nothing else in strongs logic make sense!
Strong i feel needs the most tweaks. he's sooooo confusing imo. why not give him more things he likes? such as giving him heavy weapons, like if you give him a missile launcher with some missile maybe throw in a like or maybe if you upgrade your melee weapons he likes that. or how bout littering?cods worth has it programmed to dislike litter so how bout strong be the opposite?! he voices his dislike for puny human weapons and armor and he sees junk as useless so you'd think he'd like it if you got rid of these items he just told you he dislikes. or how bout he likes the destruction caused by an artillery strike? or maybe he likes when you blow up a car? something! anything! Now i understand that strong wasn't exactly meant to be a complex character but they made him so weird and ironic because although you would think hed be easy to understand he ends up being the most complicated companion available. as i said, he is the ONLY companion i had to "cheat" for because i just didn't know why he liked one thing but disliked the other.
Id really like to hear some opinions back about strong and maybe bethesda can see this and make a couple tweaks to strong that would still make sense and not detract from strongs character or humor cuz i admit he is arguably the funniest of the companions although i find codsworths geeky kind of aura really funny and i also enjoy curies innocence in combat. please make some small tweaks to strong please.