Use threatening dialogues, pro-human dialogues since he believes humans should help other humans. Get Cannibal perk and max it out easily. Killing people will have him like it. He doesn't like stealing and lockpick because he believes all items should be shared, not hoard to yourself.
The fact is that unlike Fawkes and Lily who stand out among Super mutants for being different, Strong is really no different at all from other Super Mutants and the only reason why he even follows the player in the first place is because he misinterpreted a simple metaphor.
[Strong hated that]
Strong is indeed a hard super mutant to please. Wish I could tell him the milk of human kindness is accepting the gifts(bullets) of others(raiders.)
And don't get him started about power armor..
Strong was the only companion I didn't really spend much time with on my first playthrough since he pretty much seemed to hate everything........I stuck him in random settlement at some point and I haven't seen him since, I'll run into him eventually again when I tour my settlements and listen as he says he wants to eat someone and complains about everything I do as I use the workbenches.
I adore the soft hearted Strong.
Just put on your power armor a couple of times .. That is all I had to do.
He is very curious about humans and now that I am his leader, He even said to me last night that he wished I was a super mutant and not a human.
I find him very protective .. He wants to know what the words say on the machines and the paper.. He tells me to go search for things while he smashes..
I wish for a dlc to give him milk.
He fusses about unlocking things but he never leaves. "Stop fiddling! Smash!"
A couple of times when I got a door unlocked he said "Yes!"
Many times he says to me "Shh human, walk quietly. Enemies will hear"
or "No enemies come here. Good place to rest."
Once "Get back from there human. NOW!" just before something exploded.
"Human good fighter. Should fight with Strong more."
"Glow hurt human" or "Stay away from glow."
Human give Strong milk.
Human teach Strong that he had the strength inside himself all along.
I never did anything distasteful to myself -cannibalism
I unlock things as much as I want.
I use workbenches as much as I want.
I pick up as much junk as I want.
If I think his affinity is going down I just go put on my power armor and take it off.
I would use Strong more if he didn't dislike ALL lockpicking or hacking. The reason he seems to hate this is he hates anything remotely akin to stealing, but it applies even when you're, say, trying to activate robots to fight (which adds to shooty death fun!) or just getting into an area (where you might be able to smash and share more). Trying to avoid hacking and picking--especially since you need to to get to certain areas for certain quests--makes playing the game feel, if not gamebreakingly impossible, frustrating as hell.
I know his affinity rises quickly if you just run around and kill things (although the game itself gives you absolutely no feedback to that effect--I kept getting "Strong disliked that" messages and then suddenly he was like "I respect you!" and I had no idea why until I looked it up online), but I'd rather have that affinity rate lower if they would also eliminate his disliking of FRIENDLY hacking/picking. I'm cool with him still hating hacking/picking red objects as well as any actions or dialogue that are akin to stealing and not sharing.
Stealing no good, human should share. Stealing hurt people feelings, Strong hates that. Oh look, some poeple, Strong go smash their skull and take their belongings.
Really ?