I struggle to get started with Skyrim.

Post » Tue May 07, 2013 8:44 am

I really seem to struggle getting immersed in Skyrim. The thing that bothers me most is probably also the best thing about it in many ways. Its so open right from the start. I just find it difficult in making the transition from being a nobody narrowly escaping death to being asked to take on the perils of bleak falls barrow. It just seems a big ask from being what must have been a very basic person, a hunter, maybe a petty thief, a general tradesman etc.

I just seem to play for a few hours from the begining and then look back at what I have done and who I have killed and it just seems unrealistic.

I have taken initially now to just milling around the forests hunting animals to try and wean myself into the action and I am also considering trying playing when your dead your dead to try and bring about a sense of being afraid to take on larger dungeons etc.

Does anyone else have this issue and what have you done to try to blend things more from the start?

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jennie xhx
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Post » Mon May 06, 2013 4:19 pm

I have always had that issue with role playing games. I have both Morrowind and Oblivion and just could not get into them. Morrowind I couldnt go too much farther after getting off the boat. Oblivion, once I got out of the "Protect the Emperor" part in the dungeon/prison I spent about an hour or so around and just quit and went back to COD because I was bored out of my mind. I was like "Man, these role playing games are boring and stupid. You have to be a dweebish dorky geeky virgin with no friends or life to get into these. I'd rather go play Free For All in MW2 than to waste my time with this crap".

With Skyrim, I actually gave it a chance. Forced myself to follow along with questline at the beginning of the game and before long I was completely immursed into the game. Hated hated hated role playing games until this one. Now, IMO, this is one of, if not the greatest game ever (xbox). With over 13 toons created and still active, I can honestly say that this game is great if you give it a chance.

My advice is to not just goof around wondering about aimlessly at the beginning. Follow the story a bit so you can get some idea of what is going on. Then maybe you can explore.

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Bethany Watkin
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 3:19 am

Your character survived a dragon attack with a few others. His/Her life would change alot.
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Skrapp Stephens
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 12:27 am

What I tend to do is work in Riverwood for a while, getting firewood to sell to Hod so I can gradually buy bits of armour or supplies. Then when at Whiterun I do the same thing (you can sell firewood to the innkeeper), trade at the alchemist for supplies (or either smith if the char will be one of those instead of alchemist) and level the skill a bit. Go out hunting in the nearby wilds for a while. As the character levels and grows I'll then start doing caves, dungeons and the like. I also usually always have a follower at low levels even if I don't need one but instead because I think it makes more sense for my characters to talk a friend into joining them on a small adventure to feel safer.

Not all my characters follow these things of course. Depends on what personality and backstory I come up with on the fly. :)

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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 12:13 am

I like those ideas a lot, think I will certainly give them a go. Thanks for the reply.

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