Played fallout 3 - did not find it as hard as this game, I spent 5 minutes in prim trying to sneak attack 2 convicts... they slaughtered me, with pistols.
Many seasoned pro's and semi-seasoned are probably scoffing at this as an act of superiority, nevertheless - I seek advice.
Before I go to Prim, is there any good places or side quests I can do that can help a low level guy like me become a bit better against handling myself in the great world of fallout... or at least deal with a few convicts.

I've never had a problem killing these 2 convicts at level 2 on Very hard. What I do is use the regular varmint rifle and see if I can buy the scope from Chet in Goodsprings. Also, if I find (or buy) other varmint rifles I just repair them. I go around towards the NCR tent on the other side of the road from Primm and pick up those frag mines.
Sneak towards a building or somewhere I can hide.
Place frag mines on the path towards your hiding spot.
Sneak attack with a headshot.
I've killed them both with a single headshot each. (on VH)
Or you can go in guns blazing and spam some stimpacks.