» Fri Dec 09, 2011 8:39 pm
First thing for me is building a plausible background story for my character to tie in with the theme of the game.
Nord (age: 20)
Ormrsson is of Nord decent. He knows nothing of his family, or events before being sold as a babe to the Imperial City Arena Masters, except…his masters ruthlessly chided him and named him for a small wood and leather anklet found on him. The anklet had a one-word inscription of Ormr (Norse for serpent or worm) and he has since been called Ormrsson (Worm’s Son).
Ormrsson endured the typical, barely tolerable, child hood of an arena slave child. He cleaned the latrines, worked the war beasts slop pits and was often beaten simply because it provided a gladiator or older slave a brief distraction. Regardless, Ormrsson was drawn to the gladiators and enthralled by all things (weapons, armor, smithing, combat techniques, etc.) having to do with martial combat. He dreamed of entering the arena himself someday… until!
At age 12, he convinced the only person he could call friend,Thaik (a Red guard slave his same age), into helping him steal some Nord ale from a particularly vile and dangerous gladiator who had dropped into a drunken stupor after an all-night victory feast. They bungled the attempt and the gladiator woke driving 2 feet of steel through Thaik’s heart and missed cleaving Ormrsson’s head by mere inches (Ormrsson will always bear the scar of the near miss across his cheek).
Ormrsson, feeling guilt for his friend’s death and fleeing the wrath of the gladiator, escaped the arena and found himself locked in a day to day life struggle on the streets of the Imperial city. Hunger, deprivation, and brutality were his constant companions. He quickly learned the skills of street survival (pickpocketing, lock picking, lying and stealth) but always found that what he enjoyed most, and was best at, was bashing heads. At age 16, now a gang leader, his life again changed forever.
His gang, had gained considerable influence, and unfortunately for Ormrsson, the unwanted attentions of the Imperial authorities. Captured in a bloody crackdown, he waited for time and the rot of Imperial prisons to send him to his ancestors. However, by circumstance or fate, a Breton mage, Melisande, hired by a very powerful Imperial Nobel to interrogate all prisoners (in hopes of finding a particularly damaging piece of evidence stolen from his home) sensed something unique in Ormrsson. She paid his fine and bought him as a slave.
Melisande, took young Ormrsson under her wing – she sensed an aura of power within him and tried as she might to guide him toward the arcane arts. However, Ormrsson’s heart was in the fight, not the studies of arcane elemental power or learning the properties of alchemist’s secrets. He was barely able to grasp the most simple of destructive or restorative spells, mainly because it at least had something to do with combat. Regardless, Melisande did succeed in softening his heart some and she became like a mother to him. These were the best days of his life. However, at age 20, that life would take another turn for the worse!
Melisande, when she first found Ormrsson, had indeed found the evidence her employer feared and had been using it the last four years to blackmail him. This provided a modest but comfortable life for her and Ormrsson but also earned her the destructive hate of her provider. Eventually the Nobleman could no longer stomach the indignation and Melisande fell to the blade of a master assassin. Ormrsson, came home from watching the latest arena games to find her clinging to a last thread of life. As he held her almost lifeless body close to his chest, in a dying whisper, she told him to seek out his ancestral home for the Imperial city would never be safe for him. However, even more important, she sensed he had a greater destiny awaiting him in the frozen northern realms. In her last dying gasp, she revealed that his name had another meaning… yes, Ormr could mean serpent or worm in modern Nord… but it was also ancient Nord for “Dragon”.
Heeding Melisande’s last warning and words, he quickly gathered what he could and fled the city heading for the Skyrim border. Here his life would take another turn!
As dangerous as life in the Imperial city can be, life in the wilds of Tamriel is usually short at best. Shortly after crossing the Skyrim border, he was ambushed by bandits and left for dead. His hardiness, and thick Nord skull, ensured the God’s would have continued entertainment at his expense. However, having no provisions or idea who to turn to for help, he had little choice but to track down the bandits and attempt to regain his possessions. Finally, coming upon what he assumed to be their camp, he was quietly slipping through the dark of a moonless Skyrim night when he again stepped into an ambush… but this one was Imperial in design!