You'll have to reload from an earlier save. You should have at least 2 other autosaves to go back to. Hopefully some quicksaves. If not.. well, you really need to get in the habit of making saves.
The game should come with a warning that says "Please save and save often!" It's amazing to me that so many people don't have saves to fall back on. Do not rely on autosave or quicksave. You need to keep a nice group of rotating permanent saves. I use 6 and save about every hour. This means I have at least 6 hours worth of saves to go back through if I ever get in serious trouble. It might sound weird that you'd want to go back 6 hours in a game.. but if you've already put 100's of hours into a game, 6 hours is nothing compared to having to start over from the beginning.
Well, you could try pulling out into third person mode maybe... not sure what to tell you. Sorry for your game man.
Same thing happened to me in fort Hagen.
Silly silly boxes