Hey guys, I've started a new DF playthrough and am already stuck on the first Mages Guild quest. It sent me to a dungeon to get a mummy wrapping off a mummy. After searching this dungeon for a looong time, I decided to use the [ and ] to cycle through just to get the quest done. These Daggerfall dungeons are ridiculously large, IMO. Anyway, I finally get to the room with the mummy. i can't see him, but my weapon is striking him. Unfortunately, it doesn't harm the mummy, it's only steel, and I don't have enougn spell points to kill him.
I fast travel back to town and buy a Dwarven weapon. When I get back to the dungeon, the map was fresh and all the mobs re-spawned. No big deal. Now, when I cycle through, when I get back to the room, the mummy isn't there. I have searched this dungeon as thouroughly as possible, and have found nothing. I'm about to just give up and move on.
If anyone knows anything, any help would be appreciated. Maybe I'm missing something, I don't know.
Also, if I give up on this quest, will this affect me continuing with the MG quests? This one came from the MG in Daggerfall. I figured I'd just get MG quests from different towns. Will I still be able to progress fully through the guild??
Much thanks guys!!
Merry Christmas!