Stuck on "still in the dark" freequest mission...

Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:54 am

So durring the Still In The Dark quest at Hidden Valley I'm asked to find and isolate three virus infected computers in a room full of terminals.

I tried it about 30 times and can't get it to work, so I watched a guy on you-tube do a little walkthrough and when he did it a computer would say: "isolate virus" ...he'd click that, then go on to find two more before the time ran out.

...sounds easy, except that when I try it my computers say: "check partition" and "partition confirmed"
I now have three terminals that say this even when not actively doing the virus challenge. When I do the challenge I can activate these three "partitioned" terminals before the time runs out, but nothing happens. And all the other terminals are just jibberish and never have any "isolate virus" options!!!!!

THIS svckS!!!! Has this happened to anyone else? ...and is there anything I can do about it?

Please tell me this is not just another of the MANY mission blocking glitches in this game, because I have enough of those already! ...*sigh*
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Calum Campbell
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:41 pm

This happened no my first playthrough. I am sure that it is a bug, but it is still not fixed.

My second playthrough, everything worked fine. In fact, you don't even need to isolate all three on one attempt. Just keep doing it until all three are isolated.

Why it didn't work for you (or for me the first time?).

I am not sure . . . you could try to reload an earlier save and see if you get success on a subsequent load effort. Thinking really hard about this, I seem to remember that I didn't have the science skill to suggest the partition option, so I read a skill magazine. Then I did some other stuff and then attempted the partition . . . but by then, the magazine boost had run out. Perhaps, the "bug" is related to this? That is, even though my science was boosted to make the suggestion, it then decreased by the time I actually attempted it. On my second playthrough, my science skill was high enough throughout the whole episode and I had no problems.

Just a thought . . . what was your situation?
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:47 pm

My permenant science skill is over 85, so I don't think thats the problem.

What is a problem is that I started that challenge and when I couldn't figure it out, I left hidden Valley to do other stuff, figuring I'd be able to come back and complete it later. So the save I have before the first attempt is too far back for me to want to reload..... this seems to happen A LOT in this game! One little glitch and you're screwed unless you're willing to "re-do" hundreds of hours worth of game play just have a chance of getting something to work. .....frustrating.

Thanks though for taking the time to respond to my question though! :)
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Ellie English
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:25 pm

In the scheme of things, it only provents you from helping Hardin take over . . . you still have the Mcnamara route open to you.
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Cassie Boyle
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:18 am

It always worked for me. The trick is the realisaion of a time limit. You must isolate the 3 or 4 computers before the virus jumps back. So if you can check all the terminals before the virus jumps back, you'll find the computers that will allow you to isolate the virus.
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Ross Zombie
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:06 am

It always worked for me. The trick is the realisaion of a time limit. You must isolate the 3 or 4 computers before the virus jumps back. So if you can check all the terminals before the virus jumps back, you'll find the computers that will allow you to isolate the virus.

Yeah, that doesn't seem to be working in my game. Three of the terminals are permenantly assigned as "partition confirmed" and the rest are all jibberish. No matter how many I check within the time limit. :(
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Fanny Rouyé
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:56 pm

In the scheme of things, it only provents you from helping Hardin take over

Which is a good thing as Hardin carries his own problems
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:43 pm

Yeah, that doesn't seem to be working in my game. Three of the terminals are permenantly assigned as "partition confirmed" and the rest are all jibberish. No matter how many I check within the time limit. :(

You could try 'resetquet 0015a15c' on the console if your on the pc to reset the quest. By the way this quest isn't a part of Still in the Dark and as of patch 1.02 it doesn't even affect the reputation with BOS.
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Kat Ives
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:50 pm

You could try 'resetquet 0015a15c' on the console if your on the pc to reset the quest. By the way this quest isn't a part of Still in the Dark and as of patch 1.02 it doesn't even affect the reputation with BOS.

Thanks, I'm playing on PS3 though.

My game seems to think this is a part of "still in the dark" since a quest marker shows up for the computer virus challenge when I select "still in the dark" as a mission.

What is BOS?
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:35 pm

Thanks, I'm playing on PS3 though.

My game seems to think this is a part of "still in the dark" since a quest marker shows up for the computer virus challenge when I select "still in the dark" as a mission.

What is BOS?

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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:46 am

It always worked for me. The trick is the realisaion of a time limit. You must isolate the 3 or 4 computers before the virus jumps back. So if you can check all the terminals before the virus jumps back, you'll find the computers that will allow you to isolate the virus.

If your science skill is high enough, you can suggest "partioning". If you can do this, then you don't need to get all three computers in on go - once you partion the virus, it stays partitioned. Then you just need to get two more. I just fnished this quest in thee tries, partioning one computer on each attempt.
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michael flanigan
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:35 am

If your science skill is high enough, you can suggest "partioning". If you can do this, then you don't need to get all three computers in on go - once you partion the virus, it stays partitioned. Then you just need to get two more. I just fnished this quest in thee tries, partioning one computer on each attempt.

hmmm.... I had a science rating of around 80 when I first tried this challenge, so that must explain why the partitioning thing happened.

Problem now is that I have "partitioned" the three terminals but nothing happened. I haven't gotten credit for it. The scientist guy just keeps saying "damn it, the virus jumped again!" ....but no matter how many times I do it there are never any more non-jibberish terminals to fix.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:30 am

I'm having a problem with it as well. I got to of the terminals partitioned and cant find the last one no matter how many times I try....

I think I might just have to skip it. Not going to even think about restarting the game just to complete it. I've restarted my game like 5 times because of other glitches.
Maybe somebody at bethesda could answer this for us once and for all.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:02 pm

I'm having a problem with it as well. I got to of the terminals partitioned and cant find the last one no matter how many times I try....

I think I might just have to skip it. Not going to even think about restarting the game just to complete it. I've restarted my game like 5 times because of other glitches.
Maybe somebody at bethesda could answer this for us once and for all.

I will point out that part of the quest is 100% optional and can even be finished after still in the dark is compete, the only reason you need to fix the terminals is to help Hardin become Elder which carries no benefit but several drawbacks. So basically you lose absolutely nothing by skipping it.

Don't you have an autosave from when you entered the bunker? I found the best option is to get the science to 85 temporary or not and partition one terminal then let time run out.
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