i love skyrim. i have over 140 hours into it now and im still finding new things and it is my favorite TES game even beating out morrowind in most categories. that being said now that ive had some time with it and ive taken off my rose colored goggles im noticing that there is something missing. having just finished with fallout NV not long ago i find that skyrim while beautiful to look at and the combat and level scaling are much improved from oblivion it seems somewhat dead compared to fallout NV. i realize the bethesda didnt make NV but surely they played it and took notes on the games differences do their own fallout 3. time wise fallout NV was release over a year ago so they should have had ample time to impliment most of the good parts easily.
outfits dont matter in skyrim. i really liked the fact that in NV if you wore an opposing factions gear the enemy would attack you and vice versa if you wore the same gear you could disguise yourself even if you were the enemy. that is not the case in skyrim. ive walked into stormcloak occupied areas in full imperial regalia after taking over a couple of forts and got absolutely no reaction. i even reloaded a save and put imperial armor on to deliver a certain falsified report to a stormcloak officer.......all i got was him wondering why i didnt have stormcloak gear on. this was the exact same reaction as when i delivered it in scale armor. this is a huge buzzkill and the mod that fixes this will be permanently on my top ten list forever.
while appreciate the ability to order npcs to do specific tasks like talkie toaster companion share mod. they really dropped the ball on not having something similar to obsidians companion wheel. the companion wheel really spoiled me and having to go back to dialogue to do stuff is really cumbersome now. similarly the ability to tell the npc to use ranged or melee and what distance to follow and even whether or not to be aggressive or defensive is sorely missed in this game. companions are essential to my current characters since ive done the sneaky stealth and the destroy everything orc. right now im a breton mage who runs and hides behind his dog, companion and summons and takes cheap pot shots at the enemy from a safe distance. if any game needed the ability to fine tune companion AI it is skyrim with all its convoluted areas and tight dungeons.
off kilter dialogue. this happend on occasion in fallout NV but it seems to be a big issue in skyrim. right off the bat in riverwood if you help the bard instead of the elf if you first talk to the elf he acts mad. but then if you ask for training he acts all happy about it. they should have had him say "[censored] off". instead we get a response that makes no sense whatsoever. ive seen similar stuff throughout the game. if someone is pissed at you then they shouldnt be cheerfully offering help.
overall though im very happy with skyrim and im sure modders will eventually sort this out. its just a shame that we have to rely on them to this extent for stuff that should have been in from the get go. i still give the game an easy 9/10.