Stumped as to why this won't compile (SKSE)?

Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 11:48 am

Any help? The script runs a calculation on the player to determine what armor he is wearing (and as such, change a gvar), and then runs a hit check on the player to determine if a stun effect should apply or not.

I'm using SKSE functions GetKeyword but I can't get it to work at all like the example mentions it should.

My script:

actor Property PlayerRef AutoSpell Property CPO_LA_LightArmorKnockdown Autobool HeavyArmorCuirassEquippedfloat KnockdownRandomChanceint PlayerLightArmorSkillfloat ThreatLevelfloat ArmorMultiplierfloat EnemyHealthint EnemyLevelint PlayerHealthfloat EnemyPowerAttackMultiplierEvent OnInit()	Keyword MaterialDragonscale = Keyword.GetKeyword("ArmorMaterialDragonscale")	Keyword MaterialGlass = Keyword.GetKeyword("ArmorMaterialGlass")	Keyword MaterialHide = Keyword.GetKeyword("ArmorMaterialHide")	Keyword MaterialImperialLight = Keyword.GetKeyword("ArmorMaterialImperialLight")	Keyword MaterialImperialStudded = Keyword.GetKeyword("ArmorMaterialImperialStudded")	Keyword MaterialLeather = Keyword.GetKeyword("ArmorMaterialLeather")	Keyword MaterialScaled = Keyword.GetKeyword("ArmorMaterialScaled")	Keyword MaterialStormcloak = Keyword.GetKeyword("ArmorMaterialStormcloak")	Keyword MaterialStudded = Keyword.GetKeyword("ArmorMaterialStudded")	KnockdownRandomChance = Utility.RandomFloat(1, 2)	PlayerLightArmorSkill = PlayerRef.GetActorValue("Light Armor") as int	PlayerHealth = PlayerRef.GetActorValue("Health") as int	ArmorMultiplier = 0.66endEventEvent OnObjectUnequipped(Form akBaseObject, ObjectReference akReference)	if akBaseObject As Armor		if (akBaseObject As Armor).IsLightArmor() && (akBaseObject As Armor).IsCuirass()			PlayerRef.RemovePerk(CPO_LA_SpeedSkillCuirass)			if (akBaseObject As Armor).HasKeyword(MaterialDragonscale)				CPO_LAMaterialDragonscale.SetValue(0)				ArmorMultiplier = 0.66			elseif (akBaseObject As Armor).HasKeyword(MaterialGlass)				CPO_LAMaterialGlass.SetValue(0)				ArmorMultiplier = 0.66			elseif (akBaseObject As Armor).HasKeyword(MaterialElven)				CPO_LAMaterialElven.SetValue(0)				ArmorMultiplier = 0.66			elseif (akBaseObject As Armor).HasKeyword(MaterialHide)				CPO_LAMaterialHide.SetValue(0)				ArmorMultiplier = 0.66			elseif (akBaseObject As Armor).HasKeyword(MaterialImperialLight)				CPO_LAMaterialImperialLight.SetValue(0)				ArmorMultiplier = 0.66			elseif (akBaseObject As Armor).HasKeyword(MaterialImperialStudded)				CPO_LAMaterialImperialStudded.SetValue(0)				ArmorMultiplier = 0.66			elseif (akBaseObject As Armor).HasKeyword(MaterialLeather)				CPO_LAMaterialLeather.SetValue(0)				ArmorMultiplier = 0.66			elseif (akBaseObject As Armor).HasKeyword(MaterialScaled)				CPO_LAMaterialScaled.SetValue(0)				ArmorMultiplier = 0.66			elseif (akBaseObject As Armor).HasKeyword(MaterialStormcloak)				CPO_LAMaterialStormcloak.SetValue(0)				ArmorMultiplier = 0.66			elseif (akBaseObject As Armor).HasKeyword(MaterialStudded)				CPO_LAMaterialStudded.SetValue(0)						ArmorMultiplier = 0.66							endif					endif		if (akBaseObject As Armor).IsHeavyArmor() && (akBaseObject As Armor).IsCuirass()			HeavyArmorCuirassEquipped = false		endif		if (akBaseObject As Armor).IsLightArmor() && (akBaseObject As Armor).IsBoots()			PlayerRef.RemovePerk(CPO_LA_SpeedSkillBoots)		endif	endifendEventEvent OnHit(ObjectReference akAggressor, Form akSource, Projectile akProjectile, bool abPowerAttack, bool abSneakAttack, bool abBashAttack, bool abHitBlocked)	if HeavyArmorCuirassEquipped == false		if (akProjectile) == false && abHitBlocked == false			if akAggressor.HasKeywordString("ActorTypeCreature")				EnemyHealth = akAggressor.GetActorValue("health") as int				EnemyLevel = akAggressor.GetLevel() as int				ThreatLevel = (EnemyHealth / 10) + (EnemyLevel * 6)			elseif akAggressor.HasKeywordString("ActorTypeNPC")				EnemyHealth = akAggressor.GetActorValue("health") as int				EnemyLevel = akAggressor.GetLevel() as int				if akAggressor.GetActorValue("OneHanded") >= akAgressor.GetActorValue("TwoHanded")					ThreatLevel = (EnemyHealth / 5) + (EnemyLevel * 3) + (akAgressor.GetActorValue("OneHanded") / 1.5)				elseif akAggressor.GetActorValue("OneHanded") <= akAgressor.GetActorValue("TwoHanded")					ThreatLevel = (EnemyHealth / 5) + (EnemyLevel * 3) + (akAgressor.GetActorValue("TwoHanded") / 1.5)				endif			endif			if abPowerAttack == true				EnemyPowerAttackMultiplier = 1.5			else				EnemyPowerAttackMultiplier = 1			endif			if (ThreatLevel * EnemyPowerAttackMultiplier * ArmorMultiplier) > (((PlayerLightArmorSkill * 2) + (PlayerHealth / 1.2)) * KnockdownRandomChance) ;Skill-check, with random dice roll.				KnockdownEffect.Apply()				CPO_LA_LightArmorKnockdown.Cast(PlayerRef)				debug.Notification("Knocked off balance!")			endif				endif	endifEndEvent

Here's what my compile errors say:

What confuses me is suddenly, "GetActorValue" doesn't exist when I know for a fact it does, and it says my MaterialTypes are undefined when I identify them right under OnInit (I know I am missing one or two like elven, but it says I don't have any). Whats even more confusing is when I try to define them at the top of the script (i.e. by going "Keyword = etcetc" it'll throw out an error saying I already defined it. The spelling appears to be correct as well.

I assume the only reason why the "cannot cast non to an int" errors are occurring is because for some reason the scripting engine no longer recognizes GetActorValue or GetLevel as proper functions, even though they are.

I have to be spelling something wrong or missing a period or something, but I looked through it and it seemed to be correct. I must be missing something obvious..

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