Stunned, Shocked and Surprised

Post » Thu May 19, 2011 11:01 am


It's been 4-5 days since I've frequented these forums properly and I am amazed these 'shortly forthcoming' console patch preview notes have still yet to arrive... mind-boggling. Anyway, I'm not here to talk of my disappointment, I think we've had enough of it already.

I bought BattleField Bad Company 2 (BFBC2) last Friday, and was surprised on how well they do certain things which I will list. Now, I'm not saying that I think it is better than Crysis 2, I like them both, but I find that BFBC2 is really is a party based game and it's almost useless to play without friends as you will be dominated. I still like Crysis 2 better.

My list of what it does right that C2 doesn't!

1# - Dedicated Servers (DE) - OMG!! This is the first game I have ever played and the difference it makes is shocking. There is NO lag whatsoever, NO LAG! I have played about 10 hours on it and NO LAG AT ALL, not once... not even for a millisecond. There is never a moment I think I was bullsh*ted out of a kill, I was either outplayed or not, and usually the former as I'm pretty awful at the game as a newbie to be honest and finding the patient, slow pace so getting used to. There is also NO HOST MIGRATIONS - This is an absolute pleasure. Also, games are found instantly and no Xbox freezes/dashboarding. The servers on this game are perfect.


2# - Hit-detection - You shoot in BFBC2 and they die, simple. I played Crysis 2 today after not playing it a few days and the amount of time it takes to kill people is highly variable, some enemies take forever, some very quickly, even when you seemingly shoot people in the same area. It's all so inconsistent and frustrating.

3# Aim Assist - On C2 you literally do not have to aim at all to kill someone. I previously thought people were talking nonsense about how high the aim assist is but try BFBC2 and you have to AIM! Aiming imo is very hard and a challenge in itself on a controller but on C2 I regularly get turned on and the enemy apparently knew I 132.454 degrees to his right and sprays me down in 0.000001 secs with a Feline if I happen to miss a couple of shoots. There is no way it is humanly possible to react that quick and people don't do this on BFBC2 because thet computer isn't aiming for them.

This is not slander C2, but after seeing how beautifully implemented and smooth my experience my lag free/issue free experience on BFBC2 then I can see all the more how badly this game needed Dedicated Server and to chill on the aim assist. I can not think of one issue with BFBC2, while I could think of at least 35 off the top of my head with C2/

This is my experience with a few games on C2 MP today, I am trying to rank up all my modules to level 3 to see if I can unlock the rumoured 23rd module (which Crytek won't get back to us whether it is real or not). So I was playing with sh*t modules; Armor Enhance, Blind Spot and Mobility Enhance and no I don't use the Noobline. So not playing with the staple Elite class is challenging enough without everything else.

Game 1 - Fine, had to adjust to the fact that players don't run but rather 'slide' across the environment which BFBC2 doesn't but after a while got used to it but still feels strange.

Game 2 - Lag! Everyone's bar were up and down and I just scrapped 2 kd's as the framerate was awful also. Lot's of lag.

Game 3 - Before, it kicked me out the lobby for no apparent reason so had to search for another but this game was lag lag lag, inconsistent hit detection. I felt bad sometimes for killing people too quickly and then it would take ages for others. Sometimes I would only be able to survive what seems 2 bullets and others a barrage! Dear me...

Left the session, XBOX FREEZE! Turned it off and no putting it back on until the problems are solved.

Just wondering, if anyone here has both these game which do you think has the better graphics.. I'm going with BFBC2 atm. It looks cleaner, less jagged lines, nicer particles effects (sand, explosions, dust etc). On C2 it's like playing on 1024x960. I think it was meant to be played on PC to be honest. It's funny that I never thought of the graphics being bad until I saw something else.

Again, I like C2 more than BFBC2 but they seriously need to sort there **** out because it is plain terrible when you've experienced something wonderful. C2 is a great game with a fantastic engine.. but they need to sort out the DOZEN of problems including lobby system, weapon & module imbalances, lag, glitches/bugs and also put in Dedicated Servers.
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Averielle Garcia
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