Stupid arrow won't disappear..

Post » Fri May 24, 2013 5:47 pm

A greybeard told me to go to arcwind point to get a word of power, and I got it, but the arrow in front of the wall remains. I've beaten all the main and most secondary quests, level sixty five, and I'm trying to finish off the words, but that [censored] won't give me a new location till I'm done with this one.

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Jason Rice
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Post » Fri May 24, 2013 3:26 pm

archwind point is a known bug with dawnguard i think theirs a way to get around it..but im not sure how :( just one of them deals

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Chloe Mayo
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Post » Fri May 24, 2013 9:49 pm

There are unconfirmed reports from people who say that going to another word of power location (that you haven't yet visited) and learning that word will clear the entry from your journal. From personal experience, I'm pretty sure that this is false and there is no fix for console players. You will have to rely another method to find the other words of power, because this bug permanently breaks Arngeir's dialogue option. The bug is related to installing Dawnguard, because the DLC adds a new word of power at Arcwind Point, which was not there in the base game. I know it's irritating, console players are stuck with this bug, unless the developers decide to release a fixed version of the DLC, which is highly unlikely at this point.

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