previous fallout games were suffering from a desperate lack of stupid hats.
would you want more stupid hats in fo4?
previous fallout games were suffering from a desperate lack of stupid hats.
would you want more stupid hats in fo4?
I'm hoping for something ridiculous like The Mechanist. I loved that costume.
"of low intelligence" or "making you look like...."
i'd also settle for straight ridiculous.
in fo3, i liked that oversize cylinder that one kid in little lamplight wore. there wasn't any grown up version of it though
stupid hats are the corner stone of modern society, they are a must have!
It depends how stupid they are, but hopefully we get a couple. Nothing beats killing enemies while looking like a complete idiot.
does this count?
(taken directly from the E3 press conference video)
because yes please more of this
holy drek that is the best thing this side of dead rising, more is a must
Sure... why not? I'd prefer that Bethesda focus on other things rather than ridiculous hats though.
A Yankees hat in Boston.
As for stupid hats, TBH, I'm not sure I understand what we're getting at. What constitutes to stupid?
weeeeell one could argue about if this passes as "hat" - but yes.
seems we get a solid majority for the pro-stupid-hats-faction (hey, who voted "immoral"?)
actually, it was somebody posting in another thread recently, he'd prefer them "spending resources on (whatever it was) than on stupid hats" that inspired me to this little poll here - made me all like "now, waaaaaait a moment..."
Exactly like those! Or since everywhere you go in Boston they have lobster souvenirs to buy, one of these:
(Lobster, crab, both sea bugs, same thing.)
Yes please. I love hats.
"Do you like my hat?"
With that hideous Freddy Fazbear hat in play, I'm expecting all kinds of awesomely stupid things to put on my head.
All the headgear from KOTOR was pretty stupid.
My favorite:
Bring on the hats! Better yet, let us craft them!