My "today" experience. i made a new account, and profile, and it let me play the game... wtf is wrong with this game, i need to make a new account every time i play it seems.
EDIT (and the game made me level 9 on my NEW account... which was aggravating because it probably **** something else up) /EDIT
I go playing my favorite classic mode, and i get 1 person call me aimhack, then after a while someone else keeps spamming "CHEATER" "HACKS" "HES CHEATING VOTE F1" and the guy or 2 kept building it up in CHAT until most people when they die would chime in and add onto him... Dude I was about pulling my hair out cause i'm tryin to play the game, only 4 classic servers open, and i got little kids constantly claiming **** and trying to kick me. Whats worse is I play with these people every day and all the sudden they treat me like this... obviously new account because the game is uber failing me... but w/e. I told them to go watch youtube before they start vote-raging against someone when they die just playing the game.
I'd mention they're names because i ain't had this happen before, but then they'd probably do the same **** over here.
this is probably the first time i got raged against like this... and conveniently, joining the next map, i'm thinking "these a-holes are gonna f*** with me again" my game crashes to desktop during map load... so I post here.
This game is more stress, aggravation, and problems than it is WORTH$$$
I felt like that kid on youtube who smashes his keyboard in another language. I'm like WTF Why are they being a-holes cause I killed them!
anyway i'm all vented. Gonna go load it up again, hopefully my game ain't broke...