How do i go about installing them an where is the best place to find texture mods.
As I said a stupid question indeed.
How do i go about installing them an where is the best place to find texture mods.
As I said a stupid question indeed.
Click on the "report" button and ask a moderator to move this to the mod forum.
Using Nexus Mod Manager is simple and there are tons of texture mods on
The absolute easiest way to find and install mods is through the Nexus Mod Manager is easy too but it's not automatically built in like the Steam Workshop is.
Hi and welcome to the mod community! As to your question, Skyrim Nexus (link above) is about the best place for getting mods. The also hosts some nice mods you will not find on Nexus. As for installation, mostly, if you download a mod, it is in a compressed format like .rar, .zip or .7z. You will need to extract it using some third party software (.rar files can be opened by WinRar which is if I'm correct usual part of the Windows, for the others, I recomend IZArc). After unpacking, there is usually a read-me file containing instalation guide for the mod. Usually, unless stated otherwise you put the mod into your Skyrim/data folder keepeing the file structure od the download. Using Steam Wokrshop or Nexus mod manager is nice and easy, but doing some instalation manually is a good thing, because it allows you to understand what is happening and what you are doing.