Ok I havn't installed Vurt's Soltheim Tree Replacers becuase I'm lazy, but I'm going to right now. Now I create the distant lands in MGE and then do NOT have the .esp ticked in the data files right, I only tick it in MGE? Or do I still tick it in the data files too? I know you dont with grass... but.... I can't remember. And the readme doesn't really say anything.
Create Distant Lands with both files, and then remove only the grass file before playing. The others need to be kept on, or the trees will disappear when you get close to them! :spotted owl: Also, good taste.
EDIT - Ok it looks nice, but everything fades "in" now, I have to get resonable close to things to make them appear, whats the cause of this? *Will try to get a video up in a few*.
Vurt's Solstheim Trees / Bushes is just an ordinary mod and should be checked on in Morrowind Launcher / Wrye Mash as well as in MGE when creating distant land.
Only a few specific mods are designed for MGE, like the Grass_ and "Vurts Ground Cover" esp's. Those should not be enabled in Morrowind Launcher or tools like Wrye Mash. They should only be checked on in MGE when creating distant land.