2. Didn't even know ablut the Wait function until about the middle of my 4th playthrough
3. Constantly repairing normal weapons with unique ones .... so annoying. Actually, they should have made this impossible to do.
4. I too wasted 120 caps on Nova's "services". Hey, thanks for lying down beside me, full dressed, for 8 hours. Was it good for you??
5. Took the "Bloody Mess" perk. There has never been a bigger waste of time in any game. Ever.
6. Allowed some Mirelurks to follow me into Arefu, where they pwned the whole town.
Probably did a lot more stupid crap in my first playthrough, but I've listed enough, methinks. :wink_smile:
BTW, this is an excellent idea for a thread, well done to the OP :foodndrink: