Aside from faction armors and factions either accepting you or feuding with you depending on which faction armor you are wearing, should standard armor and clothing depict how people think of you?
Say a standard Business Suit adds +5 Charisma or +5 Speech, well you can use those stats in any endeavor. What if it's not guaranteed depending on the person you're talking to or walking by? Unrelated to stats, appearance can also play a part.
Say a raider that would otherwise warn you based on your appearance of you wearing armor, now decides you're too easy of a prey because you wear a suit so now instead of a warning you get shot at. Or perhaps it's the other way around, you wear a suit so they warn you because you don't look like a threat, but if you were wearing intimidating armor they'll now shoot you right away instead.
Or maybe a barterer in town will offer you different dialog choices if you wear a business suit. Lingerie may lure people towards you or generally make people easily convinced or nicer towards you. These little nuances can be fun to find and figure out. I'm spitballing here and this hasn't been worked into the franchise, but it'd be interesting if more pieces of clothing/armor had these effects and influences, like masks or shroud armors in The Elder Scrolls, but in many forms.
It wouldn't necessarily have to apply to all wearable items, but I would like a lot more than what's already there.