Style of the Imperials In TES V (and on)

Post » Sun May 01, 2011 4:47 pm

Just curious how everyone prefers the Imperials, their clothing, armor, buildings, and culture in general to look. Personally, I prefer the Roman style of Morrowind - cliche, yes, but Roman civilization influenced so much of western history that it would seem ignorant not to include some allegory towards it. A highly developed bureaucratic state with a citizen built well drilled military. I find the medieval look of Oblivion to be even more cliche, but less fitting considering medieval society was based on feudal kingdoms of limited control, a military made up of the wealthy landowners, and with less sophistication. I think that style better fits the superstitious, magical Bretons, and allows there to be a defining look between otherwise similar races. The Redguards obviously have Moorish influences, the Nords, Scandinavia, and the non-human races a mish mash of other human cultures and fantasy stereotypes.

I also don't think the Aztec/Maya motif to be fitting...I have heard that was the initial design, Cyrodiil being in a jungle etc. However, as original as that idea is, it just does not fit in with the rest of the setting. Cloth armor, wooden clubs with obsidian shards, ornate headresses and animal skins seem more like something you'd associate with the Bosmer, Kahjiit, or Argonians.

*This was supposed to be a idea what happened. I will lack the proper numerical data to assess the prevailing sentiment. I have failed, and must redeem my honor through ritual suicide.
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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 1:07 am

i liked to middle ages style, although i liked the morrowind legion armor
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Lindsay Dunn
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 7:13 pm

I've no qualms with the Imperials, besides the fact that they're useless, gameplay-wise. Really, the only reason to play as one is for RP purposes.

So, my recommendation is this: give the Imperials a leg up, somehow. Give them a useful ability, or a noticable stat boost. Culture-wise, I'd like to see the Imperials combine Roman and traditional Medieval-Fantasy archetypes to create a civilization that resembles neither.
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Daniel Brown
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 1:09 pm

Let the imperials be imperials, not romans, not apes, not late medieval european, nor any counterpart on earth, pleeeease.
Instead thing of them as the empire that rule tamriel, what would it look like? I can imagine it is alsom influenced from all the provinces, that's the true roman motif if you want it, the only "true roman" military equipment was the lorica segmentata, a sort of armour made of metal strips, the rest of it was altered versions of other people's equipment that was proven efficient, that was what made them effective. Let the empire of tamriel be like the fictional empire that rules tamriel, go from there.
And by the way, it's breaking apart, that would make it look even more interesting.
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Amanda savory
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 12:39 pm

Discussions and ideas for future TES games go here please.
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Ashley Hill
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