Sub-optimal Enemy AI?

Post » Thu Oct 06, 2011 10:09 am

Hi there! I realize I'm a little 'late to the game', but I've just started playing FO:NV and found it to be fun thus far. I loaded up the game and updated to the latest patch immediately and have had zero freezes/crashes thus far. (knocking on wood...)

The only real issue I've run across is that of some poor enemy AI. In particular, when I shoot at them from outside their perception, they rarely do anything to prevent themselves from being taken out. This is particularly a problem with Powder Gangers and other lower level gang members, but all types of ants seem to have the same issue. I'll take a pot shot at them which damages them and they basically just stand there doing nothing to take cover or search for who is shooting at them. I'm not even using a silenced weapon - just the varmint rifle with scope. Eventually, after a few shots which hit them, the ants will make a run for me, but by then it is way too late. Ants being silly and just standing there or turning in a small circle wondering what is going on is probably acceptable as they are confused animals... The humans on the other hand should at least seek cover!

Overall this is a pretty small gripe and is not really that big of deal...I just thought the FO3 enemy AI was at least a little better in this instance.
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