He can't get it
He can't get it
He can't get it
It is Subscription based. You or he does not like it get the [censored] out from here... We don't need you.
He can't get it
He can't get it
He can't get it
It is Subscription based. You or he does not like it get the [censored] out from here... We don't need you.
Natural selection.
And buy to play isn't any better than free to play. Like someone else said, there's no income source... the servers arent free to maintain. Do the math.
I'm not saying he's RIGHT. I'm saying perhaps he doesn't know any better and you should probably consider where he's coming from before you string him up and start swinging for his nuts.
Always prefer a subscription model to "F2P" as even the games that use a cash shop well (Marvel heroes is one that comes to mind) still leave you rather limited unless you're willing to spend money on them anyways.
I seldom use these boards, and consider myself, a pretty chilled out guy, though I have my moments. And I may be having one now, even I am getting tired of seeing the amount of threads with these titles.
You must know your not the only one to object or even post a thread on it. You could have just used the search function.
Mods, I have done your job once. Teach them a lesson and merge each thread, with a comment in the boards, and a stock PM to send to anyone who keeps making them.
I will only say, this is not a new topic, in regard to MMOs. Seen them for a few years now. Only thing that has changed, is the volume of them, due in part to the critics claiming F2P is the way of the future, and the amount of them we have. Not seen any that are any better, have a better playerbase.
Sure some more people would try playing the game, and stick with it. But, I actually think after seeing what I have seen, the best that would happen is, a bigger flood, followed by a bigger drain. The playerbase would have a bigger peak, and have a bigger loss in first months.
Not unsympathetic to having reservations to the views against. Had my reservations back when I started playing MMOs. Only can ever justify one sub at a time, to this day. But, in the end you just got to make your choice and deal, just like I did in the end. One way or another. Also have to agree, it was reckless, to pay all that for a game without checking on that. I would never assume a game is P2P or F2P, even if there are so many (and look what happens to most of them).
I would not be playing this game if it were not p2p. I have never played an f2p (read: p2w) mmo that was even just mediocre.
People here are confusing remove subs with f2p. Seems like they forgot that to play the game you first have to buy it.
I really prefer this way 100000 times. I pay for the game, I play the game.
They want more money to make updates? np, wait 2 years, like the other bigger games already have done, and ask me for money if you have really make a hard work and there is going to be improvements
And for people saying that f2p is going to ruin PvP or any other part of the game, they should realice that the only thing that will change are numbers of players, if they talk about overpopulation, there is always the option to make more servers, and if the talk about bots, there are right now games ruined with that [censored] only with 100 real players, so numbers will not change that.
It's a plan... it's what they are forecasting. Sometimes it doesn't always work out.
Yeah, I don't know about you, but I'd rather have updates every six weeks than once every two years.. call me mental.
You're definitely mental... updates every 2 years sounds ama-ziiiing!
Noot again!
cant wait for release, after the free month we can play without .. "them"
2 years for an update ? Eh ... no thanks , I'll stick with sub games .
Yeah. me to. i got no need of paying eu 50+ an month like in other "free to play" ones just to keep up with others.
/edit: yes : the monthly episodic gameplay feature shall be an reason to why i pay here .
Well I say 2 years because I don't know the cicles of this company, but if they need 5 years to mix skirim with online technics, I will not be surprise to wait at least 1 year for a real update, not bug corrections that they are going to make even if you don't pay.
You seem to have missed mmos that are buy-to-play like Guild Wars that provide all the benefits of the sub-based model you love so much but don't impose a $15 a month tithe in the process.
You also grossly misrepresent f2p games, and overstate the benefit of a sub in games. I have played f2p mmos that have no gated content and I have played sub-based games that are unstable with little/poor extra content, not to mention that the sub-based model doesn't even work for some games and they need to go f2p to survive- so much for revenue being a reason to have a sub.
F2p games are dying or not updated? You are completely misinformed or are just flat out lying to prove your point. The games that went f2p were going out of business and some became very popular and more profitable when they changed to a f2p model.
The OP just expected to pay for a game and be able to play it, he didn't want it for free. Buy to play is the way to go- you don't even need to and try to deceive yourself and others that its a good deal.
Most subscription models provide actual content updates every six to eight weeks; which is far more regular than every year or two. Not only that, but if I game is free-to-play or buy-to-pay; they still have a cash shop where they'll be taking money from you left, right and center; and at the same time they won't be held accountable for regular updates either, because for all you know, they're not making any money.
How did everyone start talking about F2P anyway? I'm sure this started out as the OP pre-ordering while unaware of a sub fee...
Yeah there are people who throw the thing off the tracks because they are self-centered to have this game as B2P because they think that they lose money if they would pay monthly subscription.
Diablo 3 don't have cash shop.And do you really think that with 15m copies x 50€, do they need money to update the game? Well you are really wrong if you think otherwise, can't tell you more.
All the f2p games lately have spoiled people. As others have stated, f2p is a newer concept, and all of the ones I have played have always started off promising, but in the end turned out to be shallow games devoid of anything worth doing.
A similar thing happened about 5 years ago on the iPhone app store. A few developers started selling their apps for the ridiculously low price of $1, and customers started demanding that every app be only $1. Some of that is being fixed finally, but for a quite a long time, the store was ruined by short sighted developers looking to make a quick buck rather than create a quality product.
Long story short, even though paying subscription fees is sometimes annoying, I have found that without fail, f2p games are never as good as their p2p counterparts.