Hey guys. I'm new to the site but am an avid Elder Scrolls player/fan. I just wanted to take a moment to address the Subscription Fee. I started playing this series back in the Morrowind days and fell in love with it. Everything about it. For a while now I've thought about how amazing it would be to have an online version of this game, and on a console at that! When I heard this was being released on the Xbox One I was ecstatic. By far this game was my #1 Top Pick for Titles being released this year. Then the other day I started researching the Subscription Fee and saw that we would have to pay $15 a month just to play. This was very unsettling. Personally I can not afford this, and seeing that I already have to pay $60 a year for Gold anyway, I don't agree with paying for ESO, definitely not $15 anyway! This is a downer for me, but it is what it is I assume. But I was just curious to see what your thoughts and opinions were on the situation and whether or not you were still going to purchase ESO...
- Zz I Thrifty -