Now, I'm assuming that this also applies to weapon enchantments, at least with effects with multi-second durations. If you have a weapon enchanted with "Fire damage 3 pts for 10 sec on strike" and hit an enemy twice in succession (as you would generally want to do with an unenchanted weapon), the amount of fire damage you've dealt is a lot closer to 30 than 60. Assuming this is indeed the case, then my real question is, what happens when the time between strikes is measured in fractions of a second. Or moreover, does this issue even matter at all when a weapon enchantment has a duration of only 1 second?
For example, daggers are pretty fast, and can easily land more than one hit per second, right? So if you have a dagger enchanted with "Fire damage 10 pts for 1 sec on strike," and you hit an enemy two times exactly half a second apart, then how much fire damage have you done? 10? 15? 20?