15 days remaining. wish i could just hibernate for 2 weeks, wake up, install the game and enjoy myself.
The last 2 weeks before any major game i like is the worst. the days draaaaaaaaaag on..
15 days remaining. wish i could just hibernate for 2 weeks, wake up, install the game and enjoy myself.
The last 2 weeks before any major game i like is the worst. the days draaaaaaaaaag on..
Yup theirs no getting offa this hype train we're on!
For some reason, I'm not hyped.
I was beyond hyped for Skyrim, but FO4 just isn't doing it for me.
This could very easily change once I've hit the wasteland and played with weapon crafting and such.
But right now, meh.
Wish I could have hibernated for the previous 6 months
i had other games to keep me busy for the last few months. (ARK, other bethseda games, planescape torment, starbound, etc)
now that the last 2 weeks until release are here though, the days will just drag, since i have more or less ran out of new games to keep me distracted.
So close, but so far. At least I have two games coming out on the 30th and college work to keep me busy.
Maybe you need to widen you're game vocabulary
I know what I'll use cryo sleep for when it's invented...
Well I've taken the day off from work on the release day, which is something I've never done to any game release.
I'm having such a hard time trying to go back and play Fallout 3 or New Vegas because Fallout 4 is so close. I've decided to try and play more shooters instead of RPGs during the wait, though, to "celebrate" Fallout 4's improved combat. Although it's mostly really because I haven't played as many shooters and I kinda svck at them. Does give me a feel for what I like and what I'm hoping for in Fallout 4, though. (has anyone ever noticed that the Half-Life games don't feature just a regular rifle?)
I couldn't agree more. I have a couple of quality games that I just can't even bring myself to play. I haven't finished The Witcher: Wild Hunt or Metal Gear Solid V. Both great triple-A games but I've just kind of quit playing them. Every time I go downstairs to play I end up getting on the internet (and these forums) and start watching Fallout 4 videos. Next thing I know it's midnight and I haven't even turned on either game.
Yeah, this is pretty much the most hyped I'm for a game ever.
My hysteria is restrained by my knowledge that I don't own a system that can run Fallout 4.
Only just a hair over two weeks left, but the tantalizing is starting to grow for me.
Ive played and beaten like 6 games and put ALOT of hours into other "non-ending" games lol Considering i have almost 200 games on steam im just running out of stuff i want to play to pass the time.
Ive also started watching anime series because they have alot of episodes per season, because I started and finished like 20 other shows lol. Plus movies, re-watched all the star wars, Lord of the rings, Mad Max, and harry potter, Jurrasic park series lol.
Maybe I need a good 2 week Hobby? Any ideas?
I blame the Skyrim trailer for hyping me to unhealthy levels. It was a masterpiece of hype-generation.