is such a mod possible?

Post » Mon Jun 13, 2011 10:09 pm

Hey there folks.

This is not a request, more of a question of possibility for a curious mind. I certainly have zero mod experience and zero programming experience, so I don't even really know what such a mod would require.

In some of the discussion of Skyrim I was wondering if a real-time, in-game, map & compass could be possibilities. We have no info on what the Skyrim SDK would be capable of, but I'm curious if it's even possible to do with the current set of Oblivion modding tools.

Basically, the Far Cry 2 model. The compass is removed from the HUD entirely and both it and the map are held in the PC's hands while retaining mobility. You could explore with a sword in one hand and compass in the other, or get your map out, check the compass, look around for a visual landmark to head to, and navigate the world in a more orienteering fashion.

Is something like this possible?
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Jaki Birch
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