I just joined for a few rounds of IA with some friends when I notice that I am casting a shadow in Stealth mode (I had level 3 SE so that should not happen). Although it has happened before that the game seems to forget that I am level 3 and sometimes randomly casts a shadow anyway, gameplay seemed a bit rusty, so I wanted to change my load-out and there I see it, all the modules at level 1, no kills except for the ones I made during my first match of the evening.
Earlier that day I played a few rounds too and everything was just fine, and a few hours later, for no apparent reason, all module progress lost !!!!!
This is unacceptable!
I am now level 39, 4th reboot (rebooted a week or two ago). And I am ranked 195 th player worldwide. Not really a noob anymore I would say ...
When I go to the weapon customization menu, all my guns are unlocked (except for the Gauss and Mike), all the attachments and scopes that I unlocked earlier are there ...
Also, I rebooted to get the CELL skin for the GAUSS, it is supposed to unlock at level 39 I think, well it didn't...and I am pretty pissed about it too.
What the hell happened here ???
So this on goes out to Crytek, explain !!!
For the record, I am NOT going to work up my modules again to find myself punished by another glitch or whatever later on again, I want to know what is going on.