I've been running the game fine, then I got a huge performance decrease (Near unplayable). I wiped everything to do with skyrim off my pc and started over, redownloaded my mods. It was fine for a bit, then performance decrease, found out it was due to mod load order and used BOSS to fix my problem.
I found 4 specific mods that intrigued me so I picked them up: Dragon Combat Overhaul/Swimming enemies/Headtracking/Extended Encounters.
Used BOSS to find out the proper load orders, except it doesn't recognize EE, I just left above PCEA (Which claims it should always be last) and ran skyrim. Performance drop is back. I uninstall EE. (I have the clearinvalidregistrations=1 thing) and check my load order, all is fine, run it again. Nope no fix.
I take out the Swimming enemies mod, same thing, same thing with DCO.
I took out Headtracking, unfortunately my performance is still bad despite clearing all 4 of my previously installed mods and checking my load order with BOSS. I run skyrim through steam, that's when I notice my load order has been moved around somehow, I fix it, run Skyrim through SKSE like usual, Still performance drop. I re-install DCO/HT/SE but keep EE uninstalled, arrange my load order to the proper order and run the game, Still poor performance.
tl;dr random performance decrease potentially due to new mods, upon removing them (properly) still poor performance.
What should I do?
Edit: Tried LOOT since apparently it's 'better' and it gave me a new load order, so I followed that, 0 Improvements.