Suddenly I got myself a lovely build.

Post » Tue May 07, 2013 6:59 am

Glad you liked it.

I tend to care more for the roleplay than the build itself, haha. :D

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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 10:31 am

I'm 50/50 with the build to Rp ratio :D

Just used a build calculator to figure out how faralong I have to be with my current build, according to the calculator I have to reach Lv.158 with this new guy :blink: It should last me a while at least :D

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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 10:34 am

I actually have this EXACT type of build. I use the Carved Nordic armor, the Jagged Crown, and the Ancient Falmer Crown (you can wear circlets with the Jagged Crown, and the two combine to make a really cool looking helm). I'm also a vampire, and have a distinct Dark Lord vibe going on. I also modded my height to be about the size of an Altmer. I gotta admit, I think my character would fit as a better looking villain than Miraak.
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 12:23 pm

Got a pic?

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Louise Andrew
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 8:26 am

i had a similar idea for another character i wanted to start but i wanted to be an orc, however i think my next character is going to be a pure spellcaster since i have yet to play one in skyrim, ive got some pretty cool idea's for a skaal inspired nord shaman, but ill save those for another thread dont wanna derail yours =D

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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 12:35 pm

Unfortunately not. I'm away from my console, and haven't taken any pics beforehand. I really should show you guys some time, however...

If I do upload it, it'll be sometime after the 20th of this month. That's when I get outta college for the summer.
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Jesus Duran
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 3:05 pm

Sounds similar to my character, yes.

My Dark Lord is a ''chaotic hero'' though, not a villain. Somebody with good morales, but with deeds some may disagree with. I decided to not make her a Vampire, I dislike the wrinkles and the line through the lips.

I don't have a pc version, sadly. But when I get that I will make her taller aswell. But alot could change in that time, I might have a different build for her when I am on pc, who knows... :tongue:

But for now, I will stick to this and atleast try to get used to it. :smile:

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Jessica White
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 11:55 am

Sounds good. I'm SOOOOO glad Skyrim or Oblivion were not released while I was in college. It probably would have an adverse impact on my grades. ;)

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Josephine Gowing
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 8:47 pm

Have you tried the Jagged crown with a Dragon priest mask or a guards mask? Was wondering if it clips through like the circlet, if it does then there's the Sauron look I've been looking for. :D

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Jeffrey Lawson
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 6:14 am

Just a little update on my efforts on finding a close look to that of Sauron, I have been messing around with the Jagged crown and the DG heavy helm. You can get the crown to clip through the DG helm OR any dragon priest mask, as well as Miraak's mask ( so I've read ). Only issue is that it's a little touch and go with it sticking. As soon as you load your save file the clipping corrects itself as well when you go through a load screen, I'm currently testing to see if I can figure out how to make this stick, I will re-post if I manage to.


To achieve the illusion of Sauron's helm you have to equip everything in the right order, which is as follows......

Equip Jagged crown, then a dragon priest mask, then the DG heavy helm. The DG helm will replace the dragon priest mask but the crown will remain equipped and clip through the DG helm. It's as close as I can get to a Sauron looking helm. :D

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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 3:50 pm


So I did some more testing and I found that you can't really force the crown to clip through the DG helm in-game, it will happen on it's own when you pass through a load screen at some point as you play. HOWEVER......

If you are wearing both the crown and the DG helm as you load in you will start with NO clipping. But if you quit back out to the start menu and then load back into the game the clipping will return giving you the EPICNESS back. Rinse and repeat each time that you load in without the clipping, but you do have the chance of just loading in with it working. That is the only way that I have been able to force this to work, other then that it will only happen when ' it ' feels like it.

Enjoy. :D

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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 5:48 am

sounds like the necro-knight on skyrim blog

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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 1:03 pm

I don't think it does. The masks replace the head entirely, so the Crown doesn't display.

Oh, and for clarification, my character is what I consider a corrupted hero. A really good guy that lost his way, and is struggling to redeem himself. The Dark Lord look is just a side effect of his armor and vampirism. :P
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