Yesterday I mentioned that I couldn't get any ideas. Then after sleeping a night about it, I suddenly got reminded of Sauron, which inspired me. I will atleast give it a try to see if I like it.
So yeah, I am gonna make a Dark lord. Hurray.
Race: Female Vampiric (Maybe) Nord (Red glowing eyes of doom, muahahaha.)
Heavy Armor
Conjuration (Necromancy)
Destruction (Ice magic)
Restoration? Maybe a few perks of restoration for Necromage, since I will be a vampire. (Atleast, if I will make that choice, if not, I won't bother.)
I am a bit worried that this is too much.
College of winterhold
Stormcloaks (Not sure if they want a Dark Mistress of pain and doom in their team, but oh well.)
Volkihar or Dawnguard (Depending on my choice if I want to be Vampiric or not.)
The Bards College (My character is a Dark poet aswell.)
I considered the Companions, but this character is too much focused on magic to make sense IMO.
Chaotic good, I like the idea of a Dark class having gloomy, but kindhearted meanings.
Chillrend, eventually.
Falmer heavy armor (Dark and morbid looking, though not instantly evil. Daedric was my second thought, but I feel that it is more focused on Demons instead of undead, I am considering Nordic Carved Armor, though.)
So yeah, should this work? My only concerns are the skills, they may be too much.