I know that most kids go to Honorhall if they were suddenly orphaned, like if their parents were total asses and their heads just came off.. Take Lars' dad Idolaf for example. He thought it was approriate to let me know he should bash my face in for merely voicing my support for the Stormcloaks and the Grey-Manes. His head touched the ground before his body. Then there's Lars' mom, Alfhild. She, like most Nord commoners, thought it was a superb idea going up against a Volkihar Master Vampire and two death hounds (spawned by the game, not by me!) with nothing but a set of farmer's clothes and an Iron Dagger.
Lars is now technicallly an orphan, but since he's a battle-born, there are others to care for him. Well, only Jon and Olfrid. Bergritte's dead and I dunno how or what killed per. Possibly stray vampires and their rabid mutts. Does he go to Honorhall or does he keep living in Whiterun?
That's strange. There's something about being rude to me and heads falling off.