Serie of achievements:
Jack ass:
You kill each unkillable NPC 2 times.(they get up)
Jack ass master:
As above 10 times
You kite a dragon above a village and enter a cell (anyone) so when you decide to get out the village is burned and everybody s dead
Animal feeder:
10 time you kill someone and drag the body in front of a wolf/bear cavern
Groo award:
You screw up 50% of the missions that are given to you in some way
Die hard Jerk:
You try to kill a lich for 5mn with a comon dagger and survive(of course)
50% of your spells or arrows end up hitting someone that isn t aggressing you
Tomb raider extorquist:
You loot tombs and try to sell item to the tomb owners at least 10 times
Grinder lvl 1:
gather 100 basic craft items
Grinder lvl 2:
Kill 100 skelton
Major Grinder :
Kill all kind of monster at least ten times
Grinder Jedi:
you kill 100 og any 10 monster.
Master of the Sith grinder:
You kill 500 innocent peasants
The most hated:
The ransom on your head goes above 1.000.000 GP
Nina haggen:
You solve 10 combats with dragon shouts only