They really need to up the game on this. Oblivion's had no 'out of the box' achivements, just straight quest or guild levelling.
Obsidian did a better job with fallout NV.
I'm going to assume you were not around during the X-box 360's launch. Pretty much no launch titles had "out of the box" achievements. It was this new feature Microsoft threw at developers and they were trying it out for the first time. As I've said many times, Fallout 3 (which had a few "interesting" achievements) is a far better place to look for how Skyrim's achievements will be.
Answering the call*: Climb the 7000 steps.
Jack of all trades, master of... All?: Attain master rank in all skills on a single character.
Toasty: Perform every finisher in the game at least once across all characters ( Mortal Kombat reference... Assuming the devs are fans
Witch: Paralyze a Nord and steal all of his equipment (assuming that's possible)
He knows much... Tells some: Find M'Aiq the liar.
Tailor made: Completed your first quest that Radiant Story completely tailored to your playstyle.
That's all I can think of right now...
Spoiler I named it answering the call because supposedly when the greybeards learn that you are dragonborn they *shout* your name into the winds calling you to come climb the steps and meet them. If I recall correctly that's what Todd said in the Game Informer podcast.