Suggestion for Future Patch

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:07 am

I feel there needs to be more in-game communication between players during the session. Therefore, I feel that a chatroom should be implemented in the game, so users can talk amongst themselves and organize games more effectively (Instead of always coming to the forum).

Also, you should be able to type in a DNS mask in the direct connect to IP, instead of just numbers.

Another point: this game has so much potential for custom mods and maps, I feel that if the Sandbox 3 editor doesn't come soon, this game is really going to die down. Please don't sell out to the PC community by just selling map packs. Then we'll know that this game REALLY WAS intended for consoles.

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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 8:21 pm

i want all-talk in servers!
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Kirsty Wood
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