After playing Skyrim to the main quest ending, at level 45, i thought up an improvement to the game which could also solve some problems I have had and which I have seen mentioned on these forums by other people too.
My solution is: Multiple favorites lists.
By this I mean a list for: Left Hand, Right Hand, Apparel, And Other (will explain shortly).
Selecting these lists would be similar to the character menu, press Q for favorites, then WASD for one of the four lists. W (up) for Other, A for Left Hand, S for Apparel and D for right hand. Alternatively, all four list could be displayed on screen, although switching between them would then be easier on PC than on consoles
What is also needed is a Quick Key per list. So Quick key '1' would not be limited to selecting for example a weapon in the right hand, but would also (simulataneously) select shield in left hand.
with Other I mean Powers, Shouts and Potions. For Left Hand obviously Weapons(Bow), Spells, Shield, Torch. Right Hand would have Weapons(Arrow Type), Spells, and also Ring. Apparel lists Clothing, Armor, Gauntlets, Helmet, Boots, Amulet. Also lists should have an option Empty, at least the Hand lists
Gameplay wise, I would see the following in my own game:
I always have my melee weapon set to Quick Key '1' With the above suggestion, me pressing '1' would result in my character equipping a sword, a shield, a full set of armor with 'Melee' enchantments, an amulet for fortify block (or whatever) and in the Other List I would select Power 'Berserk' and drink 'Potion of the Warrior'
Then, if I want to play the sniper/assassin, I press '2', and immediately I have a Bow in left hand, Daedric Arows in Right hand (the hand which gets the arrows from the quiver, right? :hubbahubba: ), Light, sneaky armor and boots, and drink a potion of Fortify Sneak and/or Marksman, and select Shout Aura Whisper, to detect enemy at long range.
All this would not only make Quick Keys more useful (I personally think 8 is way too few) , but will also reduce the amount of pausing, making gameplay less immersion-breaking.
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