Exactly, if people want to make a character that is a jack of all trades why stop them? It's a game and we all have our own fun in different ways. I myself play on the 360, but look foward to getting New Vegas on the PC as I love mods.

you can practically make such a character already. it just requires a little bit more attention in your build up.
i'm still on my first playthrough, (lvl26, 65h in, haven't been on the strip yet), and while only 2 of my skills are officially maxed out (guns and energy weapons), there a couple of others, that are as matter of fact too:
lockpick 73 -> hat +2 -> clothing +5 -> magazine boost from comprehension perk +20 -> 100
speech 75 (70 would be enough) -> clothing +10 -> magazine boost from comprehension perk +20 -> 100
science 70 -> clothing +10 -> magazine boost from comprehension perk +20 -> 100
medicine 70 -> clothing +10 -> magazine boost from comprehension perk +20 -> 100
repair 90( just for the jr perk, otherwise 75 would do) -> clothing +5 -> magazine boost from comprehension perk +20 -> 100
these 5 five skills are perfectly suited for the use of skill magazines, since they're used for ad-hoc checks.
moral of the story: comprehension still rocks as it did in fallout 3.
so, actually i have 7 maxed out skills with 4 level ups left to spend points on, and didn't even take educated and went with an int of 8, leaving even more potential for the interested.
my other skills are at 60 for sneak, 55 survival, 50 explosives, 40 barter and around 30 for melee and unarmed. so, i could bring another skill like expl or barter close to the max.
100% agree, for the simple fact that there are already enough skill points to distribute.
altered level caps ruin the game balance. and i don't want to see horribly implemented countermeasures like the albino radscorpion again.