Suggestion for an Update

Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 7:13 am

First off, thanks Bethesda for an incredible game. You have completely out done yourselves are in the process ruined my entire life. Because of you I continue to neglect all personal responsibilities so that I can spend more time in this perfect world you've created.

So I would like to make a suggestion for the console control scheme, hopefully the following could be possible in some sort of update. I love the favorites menu, and all the menus for that matter, it is fast, clean, and very intuitive. I feel a perfect addition would be for players to be able to also map abilities and or items to the left, right, and down directions on the d pad. Up would continue to be the favorites menu, but having three more buttons to access abilities and items would allow for quicker switches so that we aren't always pausing and pulling up the menu. The favorites menu is perfect for switching out abilities, because there aren't enough buttons on the control to map everything out, but there are currently 3 buttons on the control not being used for something.

It would be nice to be able to switch to your most used things without going into the favorites. I could make my sword to left, shield to right, and a healing spell on down. This would allow me to switch my shield for my healing spell then back again without using favorites. If I want a spell I use less frequently, that's when I would pull up the favorites menu.

I know the issue would be, where does left place the ability or item? The left hand or right hand? In the menus, when you map something to, for example, the left d pad, it could ask if you'd like that to appear in the left or right hand. You wouldn't be able to change to d pad command quickly in a fight, but I don't think you would need to. The left, right, and down directions would be reserved for things you use frequently.

I do realize the favorites system was implemented for simplicity and accessibility, and what I suggested adds 3 more buttons to remember and more menu options, but I feel this would be beneficial to more experience players who don't mind the complexity. As long as this is implemented in a subtle way that doesn't confuse players, it should be completely optional.

Thanks, I hope some agree and have more suggestions!
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Dawn Farrell
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 10:44 pm

I thin the purpose of the pausing favorites menu is so you can switch weapons without having to "wait until your done attacking"
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 11:35 am

you already can assign stuff to left/right dpad (hold whatever side on it while in fav menu)

down/up is fav menu
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 9:29 pm

Um, just tested it....disregard everything I just said Bethesda....thanks for the amazing game and control scheme!
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