I just had a couple of suggestions on how to make The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim even more awesome!
Yesterday, I was looking at some kind of a cooking program when I suddenly thought to myself; "Hey! What if one could follow recipes in TES:Skyrim, and make food out of a combination of items, like meat, flour, water, salt, pepper, etc etc, and that each of these spices or "add-ons" would give a short temporary boost in the skills?" I literally wrote it down so that I would not somehow forget it. Then- right after, I also thought "Wow! and what if I could go hunting for wild animals in the world of Skyrim, and that it would reward me in a way that makes me want to continue doing it, by for example letting me sell the fur from the animals i've hunted, to special merchants or traders in Skyrim?" That would have been awesome, and also had given it a "dash" of reality!
What are your suggestions?