In oblivion there was only one face texture for both genders and all (non-best) races, and on that note the texture was muddy and pixelated. This made it a pain in the ass as you couldnt make any changes to just one gender or race. If Skyrim is using a facegen-style system again, can you please make multiple faces textures for each gender and race? Maybe 3 "complexions" for each gender of each race, so each race has 6 face textures in all. There was really a huge lack of choice for complexions in both Oblivion and Fallout 3, itd be nice to choose between multiple complexions when making a character.
Aside from the usefulness for modders, This would be great as you can have some "rough skin" complexions for more warrior type characters, and you can have a pretty, well-kept, and made-up face for bards and agents who would be the type to wear makeup, and then you could just have the "normal" complexion for a middleground. It would add some much needed diversity to the faces in this game.