(I got this idea from the Fallout 4 modding discussion podcast w/Gopher by Matty and his buddies:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4N6xNkc6s38 )
So, Pete Hines as well as Josh and the guys at Obsidian:
As you all know, when Fallout New Vegas came out, it was basically a separate game and players had to mod it into Fallout 3 (or Fallout 3 into FNV). But we're gradually moving into a future of gaming where sequelitis becomes less common and more DLC-heavy "ubergames" are being developed (games that just go on for 10+ years - such as most MMOs as well as several PGC survivalcraft games like Minecraft, Terraria, etc).
So if Obsidian ever develops a second lore-extension game, say Fallout Miami, how about making it possible for players to naturally move their players between the titles - either by making it into (1) a mega-DLC for Fallout 4 and/or (2) a separate game that can use savegame data from Fallout 4, including all assets, etc (and will update Fallout 4 to be able to do the same). For instance, both games could perhaps be designes in such a way that they share the same directory subfolders and simply add to eachother.
Just a thought, guys. Keep up the great work, both BGS and Obsidian.