Suggestion: Possible DLC ideas or future fallout content

Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 9:51 pm

Since finishing the main story of fallout 4 I have been wondering around the wasteland.

Some ideas popped into my head of what might potentially be amazing dlc stories or even the next fallout main plot

I had 3 main story (PLEASE BE AWARE THAT THESE CAN POTENTIALLY CONTAIN SPOILERS but I will try my best to be vague on the fallout 4 main plot)

Ok so here goes:


Radiation is a big part of fallout series & fallout 4.

Scenario: Our protagonist gets a lethal dose of radiation and to prevent Ghoulification and Cancer he is again cryogenically frozen to preserve his state until that can cure the radiation and ghoulification process. He is dormant for 50 - 200 years and is then released from stasis by a gen 3 synth.

He is now in a wasteland that is completely different extremely technologically advanced but still the underlying wasteland that we are used to. The institute has expanded outward, upward, downward in all its glory. Where there where only a few hundred humans in the commonwealth there is now a few thousand, and an expanded city that defies the imagination

The new gen 5 synths are featureless seemless beings and humanity has become over dependent on the synths for everything in their daily lifes.

A corrupt political structure has taken hold, basically everything seems wonderful on the surface but as you dig it becomes clear that this entire new wasteland is rotten to the core and you the protagonist need to safe this place from imploding.

Their are some synths that has formed a rebel faction and have carried out numerous attacks on the political structure without any success.

You learn that the institute has gain control over all things technological when they found a Zetan spaceship. You met a quirky scientist that tells you if you can get him certain items he might be able to adjust the teleporting to a time machine of sorts but it can only teleport you to 2 different times.

1. Fallout 4 timeframe

2. new timeframe.

The new timeframe bethesda could have alot of fun with, I have alot more on the plot but because of the nature of this idea I would be giving to many spoilers on Fallout 4 story ect. so rather being vague and letting your imagination do the rest.

I know this might be above the scope of what Bethesda could do, but something to look at.


For the next 2 I can go in-depth into the plot and story as it has nothing to do with the fallout 4 backstory ect.

Scenario: The commonwealth receives a transmission "We are in need of assistance if you are receiving this message please come to these co-ordinates immediately as we have very little time, please you are our last hope of survival".

As you go to the co-ordinates you find a massive nuclear powered submarine (you could probably guess where I am going with this) :)

Captain "Whathisname" tells you of an under water vault city in the middle of the Massachusetts Bay in dire need of assistance they have been surviving for 220 years on the ocean floor but they had a breach and are being over run by all sorts of mutant creatures.

You then go to the underwater vault city and it is immense with research station scattered across the ocean floor. You need to safe some of these research stations. you get special power armor for underwater traveling and a harpoon gun this underwater wasteland should be extremely hostile and as the radiation storms in the commonwealth you get currents that carry high levels of radiation.

As you carry on assisting the people of the underwater vault city you learn of a plot by the Insane overseer that he is planning to end all life above and below the water ( another nuclear detonation ) and he has accumulated followers over the years that seems happy with his plan.

Again Bethesda could have alot of fun with this, air can be cut off and you are then saved by a mini sub

Should make for some awesome stories, each research location has can have its own back story. new creatures could be introduced and some more understating can be gained from vault-tec.


My favorite but difficult to do

Scenario: Across the ocean the is something approaching it is and it is big VERY big, as it comes closer you see an England Flags, alot of flags.

You see big ben in the distance (yes london is and airship!)

The scientist had a breakthough 2 days before the war in antigravity technology and the set out to get london into the air before the bombs fell on that fateful day, Here is a city that has been untouched by nuclear devastation the old way of live, they have power, they have news, they have vault-tec regional offices.

People are as petty as ever on this untouched flying city, pre-war money still apply, you could start by doing the odd job until the queen / king gets wind and then the fun starts, You do work for him/her and later find out the they have been using you all this time they are actually here to conquer the commonwealth and beyond.

It would be nice to see advancements in technology like this and new types of power armor and english soldiers in jetpack new age power armor would be a nice enemy to fight.

Hope you guys like the ideas.

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casey macmillan
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 2:40 pm

so your last two ideas are Bioshock 1/2 and Bioshock Infinite? As cool as an underwater vault tec city would be.... you know licensing and all. it may be very hard to pull these off without 2K interactive stepping in with a class action suit for stealing their game ideas. and 2K would do it.....

Like I said I would love a underwater area... maybe a vault tec research facility or something...

What I would really like to see is adding in Rhode Island as a playable area, and your job is to further help the railroad, or hinder them with Institute aid.... put in some Lovecraftian areas, rich with horror themes.

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 7:57 pm

I did think their might be a issue but as the vault systems are closed off. I did not think it would be an issue as they only times you would see the underwater vault city is when you travel between facilities, more like the thintank facility then bioshock1. For a flying london one could only hope, if they cannot do that they can do a electro magnetically domed city everything would still apply
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